Pink Poppy

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Sonic smiled as he took a family's picture for them in front of the dolphin exhibit while he waited for Tails. He had just finished his shift and was waiting to meet up with his best buddy but the kitsune seemed to be running late.

Just as he snapped the picture he felt someone tap his shoulder and smiled when he saw his best friend grinning at him.

"You coming?" The younger boy grinned and they started heading for the exit.

"Sonic, wait!"

They quickly turned around and saw Sonic's boss jogging over to them.

"I was hoping to catch you before you left." She smiled. "I was hoping you'd be able to cover for Jake later today?"

"Sure." He replied.

"I knew I could rely on you Sonic, you're very reliable with no surprises." She smiled before quickly leaving to see to some other stuff.

"Was that a compliment, or an insult?" The blue hedgehog asked once she was out of sight. Tails just shrugged and they continued on their way...


Later that afternoon, after hanging out with Tails, Sonic was walking along the beach. All around him were families and friends running around, enjoying the sun and the waves. Just as he turned away from the sea, he saw Sally sat on a deck chair nearby, just staring out to the ocean.

"Hey Sal!" He smiled as he ran up to her, as he got closer he felt a sense of joy when he noticed that she was wearing the pearl necklace he had given her at the festival. "What ya doing?"

"Thinking." She frowned.

"About what?"

"Just some stuff." She sighed. "Like how you keep thinking I'm a fool."

"What do you mean?"

"One second you and I are best friends, the next we're nearly dating, and then we're almost strangers!" She glare.

"Sal, I want to date you but I've got a lot on my plate right now." He tried to reason.

"Like what?! You're the same, ordinary kid! The only thing that's changed is the black marks you dyed in your fur!" She glared before storming off. Sonic just sighed and headed off home...

"Are you sure about this?" Amy asked nervously as she and Sonic came into her bathroom.

When Sonic came to her with an insane request she was very worried but slightly honoured that he had come to her and not Tails; although she doubted the kitsune would understand how to use dye.

"Yeah, even Sally said I was a boring, ordinary guy, but something she said about me dying these marks into my fur, so I want to add some colour to my coat." He frowned as he saw on a high stool and she wrapped a towel around him.

"I know you want I change, but this is a bit extreme!"

"Ames, please, just do me this little favour." He pleaded before she eventually gave in and got to work. Within twenty minutes there was a sudden knock on the door and they both froze.

"Who is it?" Sonic asked and they both were ready to run with the door opened, but they both relaxed when they saw it was just Knuckles.

"If you're going to ask who it is you should consider locking the door, especially when you look like that." The red echidna suggested and pointed to the blue hedgehog's tail that rested against the bathroom floor.

"Yeah, sorry, I forgot there was water involved." Amy smiled nervously.

"It's fine, let's just get this over with." He groaned as Knuckles examined the box of hair dye that Amy had already applied to Sonic's fur, they were just waiting for it to set.

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