A Twist In The Tail

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The next day, Sonic, Amy, Knuckles and Tails were sat on Sonic's deck with Emma Nets. The old cat just sighed as she stared out to the ocean that was pretty much Sonic's backyard.

"Pistris Island was here long before all of us, even before this town, and will be here long after we've all gone and long after this full moon." She said as Sonic groaned.

"Oh yeah, full moon time again tonight." He sighed. "Is it gonna be as bad as it was last time?"

"The full moon is a powerful force." She smiled softly. "But this time, however, it's even more so."

"Really? How do you know?" Amy asked.

"I know." She chuckled.

"Not everything can be explained." Tails suddenly said. "Something's need to be taken on faith, right Mrs. Nets?"

"Right, Tails!" She smiled and the teens turned back to to ocean. What no one realised was that in the bushes nearby, Greg was quietly hidden as he took close up pictures of Sonic...


Sonic sighed as he walked around the park, trying to clear his head.

He hadn't been for a swim or used any of his powers since he'd gotten home and it was driving him crazy. What also had him on edge was the fact that Maria Robotnik was still hanging around, even though he was sure Tails said she would be done by now.

Suddenly he felt someone grab his shoulders, making him jump.

He whipped around and saw Sally laughing at him. He made a mental note to apologise to Tails for the trick he pulled the other day.

"I've been looking for you." She smiled as she hugged him. "You are not going to believe this."

"I thought you told me to leave you alone." He frowned in confusion, but she seemed to ignore him.

"There are mermaids, I've seen the photo." She squealed like a kid in a candy store while Sonic felt his chest constrict in fear.

"W-What?" He forced out. "Where did these photo come from?"

"Dr. Robotnik, she's got these underwater motion activated cameras to count fish." She explained. "I was there when she downloaded the big one." She added as Sonic was starting to find it hard to breath.

"Look, we can't tell anyone yet." She said but smiled at her boyfriend. "But I had to tell you, isn't it great?"

"Yeah! That's amazing." He chuckled nervously. "Congratulations!"...


Immediately after he and Sally went their separate ways, Sonic sent a message to his friends for an emergency conference at Tails' house. When they got there, they were horrified at when Sonic told them.

"There was a camera?!" Amy exclaimed.

"I didn't see it when I was swimming in." Sonic replied as he kept looking at the ground.

"It mustn't have been a very good photo, otherwise they would've recognise that it was you." Tails offered with a weak smile.

"Are you complaining about it?" Knuckles glared, but before the kitsune could say anything, his cell phone rang.

"Hello?" He asked, but frowned when he realised who the caller was. "Oh, it's you, why would you... can I call you back?" He panicked and hung up before looking at his friends. "That was Dr. Robotnik, she wants to meet me."

"You're not going to go,are you?" Sonic asked.

"Sonic, I don't see why not, I mean, what do we got to lose?"

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