Something Fishy

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"The Miss Sea Queen Pageant?" Tails asked as he looked at the flyer. They were all in the juice bar when Sonic showed them the flyer that had been posted up at the marine park.

"How sexist can you get?" Amy glared. "Who would want to enter that?"

"Her." Sonic said and pointed to Fiona Fox. "I saw her name on the register."

"Your not thing of entering are you?" Tails asked Amy as she looked at the flyer.

"No! Why would I want to do that?!"...


Back at Tails' house his father was reading a book while his mother was vacuuming. There names were Amadeus and Rosemary Prower.

Rosemary was a 38 year old brown/orange fox with blue eyes and red hair. She also wore a simple dark purple dress with a yellow shoulder covering.

Amadeus was a 47 year old fox with brown fur and a blue eye, the left he lost during his time on the battle field. He wore a blue shirt, black boots and white pants.

"Mom, have you seen Tails?" There daughter, Sticks, asked when she walked in.

Sticks was an 11 year old badger only slightly shorter than Amy. She had orange fur with long thick hair on the back of her head, which she kept in two locks with auburn strings, and two brown stripes across each of her eyes and bushy round ears that reach the end of her hair. She wore a tube top and a skirt with an auburn rope belt, each made of worn-down grey fabric stitched together, and tan fur-skin boots.

She was the Prower's adopted daughter before they had Tails.

"I think he went out." Rosemary replied.

"He's never here anymore." She glared.

"I'm sure he'd make time for you if you asked him to hang out with you." She said.

"I just want my rat traps back, those things are sneaking around my room again, plotting something." Sticks grumbled as she went back upstairs. She quickly sneak into Tails' room and started trying to find her traps.

She opened the closet and moved the clothes but they weren't there.

She opened the draws and started routing through them. She may not have found her traps but she did find a journal at the bottom of the draw. It read: 'The Sea Fae Mystery'.

She sat down on his bed and opened it.

She tilted her head in confusion at the scientific notes and the strange drawings and diagrams in the pages. They looked like fish tails...


That afternoon Sonic was working in the snack bar at the marine park as Amy tried to talk to him. But he suddenly shut up when he saw Fiona and her friend Breezie walking up to them.

"Give me your moth expensive, low fat ice- Oh! It's you." Breezie grinned when she noticed who she was talking to.

"Flavours?" He asked in a bored tone.

"You choose, I'm feeling spontaneous." She smiled. "I've also finished the preparations for the competition, I've a costume that's to die for."

Amy just rolled her eyes as he made the girls their ice creams.

"I also saw the register not at my level." She said as he handed her the ice cream. The green hedgehog gave him the money before she and Fiona walked off with big grins on their faces.

As soon as they left Sonic's boss walked up to them.

"Sonic honey, we're short staffed at the Miss Sea Queen Pageant, can you do nine to four on the snack bar?" She asked with a friendly smile.

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