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Sonic Maurice yawned loudly was he and Tails carefully hiked through the thick jungles of Pistris Island.

Ever since Emma Nets had allowed the kitsune to examine and learn from the sea fae books Sonic had recovered from her boat, he had been trying to get Sonic to perform some of the techniques.

Today the fox insisted that they needed to find a quiet spot full of nature, so they went to a stream not far from the beach.

"So, what we doing here buddy?" The blue hedgehog asked as he stifled another yawn.

"Well, according this book it's called 'Eolas'." Tails explained as he show Sonic the page he was looking at; Sonic copied the picture as he knelt down and placed his hand into the dirt. inches away from the water.

"It says you can't just look, you have to feel." The younger male added and Sonic nodded. "Feel what's under you, feel what's around you; if you can you'll connect to your oldest instincts, your primal nature, and then you'll know what Eolas is."

"I'm trying to focus here." He snapped as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

He gasped as he felt a sudden jolt go through him as his eyes snapped open and his eyes started moving in all directions. Tails gasped when he saw that instead of green he was looking into moon blue orbs.

"Are you OK?" He asked as a smile spread across his friend's face and he was looking around in all directions.

"I can see everything, hear everything." He muttered as he looked to the left and saw a momma bird feeding her babies on the other side of the island and when he turned to the right he saw a fisherman's boat miles of the coast of the island.

"This is amazing." He smiled as he stood up, still in a trance.

All of a sudden he took off running back towards the beach, laughing as he ran.

Tails gasped and ran after his best friends. Sonic may of been the fastest thing alive but with so many trees and rocks blocking his way he couldn't build up enough momentum, but Tails was still having trouble keeping up with the blue hybrid.

"Sonic! Sonic, wait, not that way!" Tails cried, but he wouldn't listen as he disappeared into the green jungle. "Sonic, please wait! Sonic!"

"Whoo!" Sonic laughed as he ran onto to beach. He suddenly cried out in pain as he fell to the sandy floor, clutching his head tightly. He looked around and saw an abandoned lighthouse on the edge of a cliff a few feet away from him.

"Sonic! Snap out of it!" Tails screamed when he finally caught up with his friend. "You're too near the lighthouse!" He noticed when Sonic suddenly went limp in his grip. Tails looked down and panicked when he saw Sonic had passed out due to the pain.

"Sonic, please wake up!" He begged as he felt tears in his eyes. Sonic suddenly sat up, gasping for air. Tails sighed in relief when he saw that his best friend's eyes had returned to green.

"What just happened?" He asked as he started to get a dull migraine.

"The electrical signals in the lighthouse must of interfered with your powers." Tails concluded as he helped Sonic stand up. "You've got to be careful with this stuff." He added and Sonic could only nod...


"You did what?!" Chuck shouted. Sonic and Tails had just gotten back to the blue hedgehog's house and explained to his uncle and Emma about what they had been doing.

"I don't see the problem, Unc." Sonic smiled. "It's amazing!"

"It's not amazing, it's dangerous!" Chuck glared.

A Merhog's TaleWhere stories live. Discover now