Lesson Number One

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Tails sighed as he shifted in his chair. He and Amy were in the library doing some research on sea fae. While Amy was talking to the librarian about taking some of the books home Tails was reading a book about mythical sea creatures.

Almost as soon as they left the library Amy's phone started to ring.

She looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Sonic who was calling her.

"Hey Sonic, what's up?" She smiled.

"Just keeping in, started my new job today."

"You're new job? You mean the one at the dolphin tank at the marine park?!" She exclaimed.

"The what?" Tails hissed as his eyes widened in shock.

"Yes, I know the tank's full of water Amy, last I check dolphins lived in water and yes I do remember what water does to me but I'm not gonna let that run my life; I gotta go."

And with that he hung up the phone.

Amy and Tails looked at each other and sighed...


When Sonic hung up in his friend he sighed and put it on one of the high shelves. He then went to get on his rubber gloves. The only parts of his body that weren't covered up were his face and a bit of his arms.

As he was carefully putting some fish into the buckets his boss came in.

"OK Sonic, all you have to do is give the buckets to the trainers and that's it for today, you're new and we think you should start slow." He explained with a smile.

"Right, ready when you are." He smiled and grabbed the two buckets.

He took a deep breath as he stepped out into the light. He saw a large pool of water with a few dolphins swimming around and a large crowd of people cheering on the other side.

He gave the buckets to the trainers and went back inside.

He quickly started filling another bucket. But he was careless this time. The tweezers he had been using slipped from his hand and fell into the bucket of water, creating a big splash.

He gasped when a few water droplets fell onto his exposed arms.

He quickly started looking for a towel but he could find one.

"Try this." Someone said and tossed him a towel. He caught it and immediately started to dry himself off. Thankfully he didn't transform. He looked at the doorway to see who it was and gasped.

It was Emma Nets.

She was an old cat with green eyes and although her fur was black it had grey hairs in it. She wore a breezy, purple summer dress with sunflowers printed onto it and light purple flip-flops.

"That was good timing, wouldn't you say?" She smiled at the teen.

"Y-Yeah, good timing." He muttered, not taking his eyes off her. "Why are you here?"

"That's a bit rude boy, one might question your upbringing." She chuckled. "If you must know I come here to see the marine life, loving creatures, don't you think?"

Sonic nodded slowly.

"Then I saw and I thought I'd come have a chat with you." She said as she took a seat. "I've been waiting for you to come down to my shop for a while now about this sea fae business and yet you haven't turned up, why's that?"

"I just want to get on with my life." He replied.

"I do understand that but there a some very important things you need to know, not just for your safety but that of those around you." She explained. "I want to see you at the docks first thing tomorrow, alone."

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