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Sonic smiled as he breathed in the fresh salty air of the ocean. He was walking down to the dock on a nice, warm, sunny Sunday. He was going to meet Emma Nets on her houseboat so they could continue his training and so she could answer any questions he had.

As he got closer he could hear some kind of commotion coming from the other side of the docks. He soon found Emma's boat among the countless others and saw that it was in desperate need of repair.

The paint was faded and chipped, the metal was rusted and he could see a few old dents and scratches on the sides of the boat. When he turned the corner, he was shocked to see Sally's older brother, Elias Acorn, shouting at Emma.

Elias Acorn was a 21 year old brown Mobian squirrel with blue eyes and auburn hair. He wore a blue collared shirt and boots, all trimmed in yellow, and dark red pants.

"You shouldn't be here! You're a menace!" Sonic heard Elias shout at the old cat. "Your docking line broke because it's aged through!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." Emma replied calmly as Sonic walked close to them.

"Wake up lady! Get with the times!"

"Hey Elias, don't be rude." Sonic glared as he stepped in between them. "Why don't you giver her a chance to speak?" He suggested and they both turned back to her.

"This old freak's boat got loose and crashed into mine and scratched up the whole side of it!" He shouted and pointed to his jet ski, which Sonic now noticed had a large, messy scratch carved into the side.

"She said she's sorry." Sonic counted.

"It's not going to pay for the damages is it? I bet she doesn't even have insurance." He glared at her. "This boat shouldn't even be here, it's an ugly embarrassment, just like her!"

"Dude, you're over reacting, even for you." Sonic glared.

"I am? We'll see what the harbour master has to say." He glared before storming off.

"Don't worry, he's all talk." He reassured once the squirrel was out of hearing shot.

"Thank you Sonic, why don't you come in?" She smiled and helped him into her boat...


It had been half an hour since the encounter with Elias and now Sonic was sat inside Emma's boat as the old cat made him a cup of tea. He looked around and saw wind chimes, nick knacks and other strange items around the 'living room' of the boat.

Just then, Emma sat next to him and gently pushed the cup in his hands.

"Souvenirs from my travels." She suddenly said when she saw him looking at all her stuff.

"I didn't know you lived on a boat."

"Not many people do, but truth be told I think that's because I haven't had anyone the 'Siren' in 18 years." She admitted as she seemed to drift off in to her thoughts.

"Miss Nets!" A voice suddenly called. They both looked out the window and saw the harbour master walking up to the boat with a smirking Elias in tow. The two of them quickly went outside to see what he wanted.

"Aw, hello Mr Henry, here for some ice tea?" Emma smiled, but the harbour master's frown didn't falter.

"You know why I'm here Miss Nets, another complaints been made against you." He replied in a cold voice.

"Are you going to evict her or what?!" Elias suddenly barked, only to shut up when all three of them sent him threatening glares.

"Miss Nets we've spoken on many occasions, the last one was about unpaid fees that go back five years and before that you've been reminded time and time again to maintain your vessel according to regulations."

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