Blue Moon Clue

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The next day at school the principle had gathered everyone in Sonic's grade in the gym to watch Scourge street dance. While everyone was watching the green hedgehog Sonic was rocking in his seat with wild eyes.

"Sonic?" Tails asked his best friend.

All of a sudden he shot out of his seat and ran onto the stage.

Everyone watched to shock and amazement as Sonic not only started street dancing, but his moves beat Scourge's by a land slide. Amy looked closely and gasped when she saw Sonic's eyes changed to blue for a second before turning back to normal.

"Did you see that?" She whispered to Knuckles and Tails and they nodded...


After the street dancing show Sonic was pulled into the hallway by the principle. While the other students walked past them the principle was giving Sonic a very long and boring lecture.

"Sonic Hedgehog, while it may have been entertaining your behaviour is totally unacceptable, acting out like that is not cool." He glared.

"That was cool Sonic." Breezie smiled as she waked past.

"Yeah, nice one." Another classmate, Mighty, grinned.

"You're walking on very thin ice young man." The principle glared before walking away. Sonic just smirked as Amy walked up to him.

"What was that all about?" She glared.

"It was just a bit of fun." He grinned back.

"But was up with your eyes? And how can you street dance without practice?"

"I guess we just have a knack for it."...


Later that day Sonic was at his locker, getting ready for next period when his locker door suddenly slammed shut. He looked to his right and saw Breezie smiling at him.

"Hey, how's it going?" She grinned.

"It's fine." He replied, wondering what she wanted. "How are you?"

"I'm good, that was amazing what you did earlier, had no idea you were into street dancing."

"Yeah, I'm into that stuff a moment."

"Sweet, I was wondering if I could possible get a lesson sometime?" She smiled as she played with his neck scarf.

"I-I don't if I could teach you anything, it's all kinda instinctual."

"That's fine but if you change your mind." She grinned and handed him a piece of paper with her number on it. "Call me."...


That afternoon Sonic was making some kakavia when Fiona and Breezie came over to him. The teacher was watching them closely in cause he had to stop a fight.

"Scourge was wondering if you could come to his party, it's gonna be huge Sonic, it's on his parents yot." Fiona smiled. Sonic looked over his shoulder and saw his green lookalike glaring at them.

"Everybody who's anybody is gonna be there." Breezie added.

"OK." He smiled.

"Great, it's at 8:30 on Friday, be there before 10 'cause that's when the yot sets off." The fox said before going back to her boyfriend with Breezie following her. Sonic shrugged his shoulders and went to the counter where his friends were.

"That was weird." He told them. "I've just been invited to one of Scourge's parties."

"How come they didn't invite us?" Amy whined.

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