The Robotnik Affair

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Sonic sighed as he, Tails, Amy and Knuckles walked along the rocky, sandy beach. It had been a week since he had snapped out of his full moon funk and he was still getting a bit of unwanted attention from his classmates.

"OK, I have been working all day, everyday and I think I might be getting close to figured out what your transformation is all about." Tails smiled at his blue brother.

"Thanks Tails but I think I've figured it out for myself." He replied.

"Yeah, for me it was the tail." Amy laughed.

"Science is the key that unlocks the door to the mysteries of life and... you don't care, do you?" He groaned in defeat as the others shrugged. "Look guys, today someone's coming to our town to do research at the marine park, her name's Dr. Maria Robotnik, her grandfather was a great scientist who opened up more amazing possibilities in the scientific field and the doctor herself is brilliant in almost anything science!" The kit explained.

"And how are you going to get access to her lab?" Amy frowned.

"I have my methods."

"No way! You're not gonna tell a real scientist about Sonic are you?!" Knuckles exclaimed.

"Guys, relax, I trust Tails." Sonic smiled before turning to his friend. "But seriously be careful, she can't know about me."

"What if she wants to dissect him? Or go public on him?" Amy glared the fox, thinking it was too big a risk.

"She's a great scientist and she'll have all this equipment that'll make the stuff at school seem like toys." He argued. "I need access to it and her research on cellular mutations."

"And how are you going to do that without spilling your guts about Sonic." She asked.

"Amy, come on, I'd trust Tails with my life and this way I can get some answers about my sea fae side." Sonic reassured.

"But why can't Emma tell you that stuff?"

"I meant about the scientific and genes side, last I checked she isn't a scientist." He sighed before dashing off to work...


Later that day Tails came to the marine park and asked Sonic to take him to the dolphin exhibit. Since there wasn't a show today the dolphins were just swimming around their large pool, enjoying the cool water and summer sun.

Tails quickly went over to a small building at the end of the exhibit.

"Tails we're not supposed to be here!" Sonic hissed as they walked into the building.

Inside were beakers, tubes, computers and lots of other scientific equipment all over the place. Tails walked around in awe.

"Can I help you?" A gentle voice suddenly said from the door. They both turned to the door and saw a young woman looking at them.

She was a youthful and slim human girl, who looked to be in her early twenties and was about two heads taller than Sonic. She had neck-long and voluminous dark blond hair, light skin, large blue eyes and pink lips. Her hairstyle was wavy and held back with a blue hair band. For clothes, she wore a dark blue top with short puffy sleeves and light blue endings, a light blue dress and slipper-like cobalt shoes with low heels.

She also wore a white lab coat over her outfit.

"Are you Dr. Maria Robotnik?" Tails asked nervously.

"Yes, and you are?" She smiled as she extended her hand for a handshake.

"I'm Miles Prower, but my friends call me Tails." He replied, returning the handshake.

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