The Move

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(y/n) POV

I woke up tiredly from my nap. I rubbed the back of my neck, it was hurting. I guess I slept on it wrong. I checked my phone, the time showed "4:30 PM".

"Mom, how much longer?" I whined

"We will be there in twenty minutes hun" she quietly said back

Back To This Morning

"(y/n) are you ready?" My mom shouted from downstairs.

"Yes" I yelled back. Packing the little things I didn't put into the moving truck. We were moving from Colorado to California. I guess my mom wanted me to have a  "fresh start?" Something along that line. I was born in Denver, Colorado and raised there. I was an only child and my dad walked out on my mom when I was really young. I was known for being a trouble maker in my school. In 8th grade I started hanging around the wrong crowd. I was suspended three times in my Freshmen year, and five times in my Sophomore year. I am now a Junior.


"Five more minutes (y/n)! Aren't you excited?!" She smiled at me.

I nodded. I kind of was excited. California had a lot of famous people. Including Finn Wolfhard. "Stranger Things" was my favorite show. It helped me calm down when I wanted to smash something. I knew my chances of meeting him were slim. I can still dream right?

My mom interrupted my thoughts "(y/n), we're here!" She screamed. "I forgot to mention you have to share your room with someone"

"What, are you fucking serious?" She glared at me "language (y/n)" I sighed and got out of the car. I took the bag that I brought with me to the car. I followed behind my mom.

"Hello!" An unfamiliar face greeted us. "My name is Mary"

My mom smiled "My name is (y/m/n) {your mom's name}

"And I'm (y/n)" I said confidently, holding out my hand. Mary pulled me into a hug. I pulled away awkwardly and smiled.

"Oh where are my manners, let me show you your room, or yalls room. I can't wait for you to meet my son" Mary smiled.

All I could do was sigh. I didn't want to share a room with anyone, especially a guy. I followed her up the stairs.

"Here we are, make your self at home. I hope you like it here." She smiled faintly and shut the door.

I looked around it was a huge room. It had its own bathroom, it had two walk in closests. There was also two king sized beds. I looked around for my new roommate. He was no where in sight. "Oh well, he's probably out"

After I got settled in, I looked out my window. There was a skate park right down the block. "Oh shit" I smiled to myself before grabbing my skate board. I ran downstairs and yelled "bye mom, bye Mary!" And shut the door.

I got to the skate park and saw a lot of teenagers. There were some people passing blunts, others had cigarettes between their lips.

I headed down a steep hill with my skateboard. I continued to skate for a while. Skateboarding in Denver was my favorite thing to do, besides causing hell. Damn, it brought so many memories back.

I blinked and I was on the floor. There was ringing in my ears. "what the hell?" I said looking at someone beside me. He got up and stuck out his hand to help me up. "Watch out next time, gorgeous" he said winking. I couldn't believe my damn eyes. It was fucking Finn Wolfhard.

"Maybe you should watch out next time" I snarled. Finn smiled "feisty one aren't ya"

Finns' POV

"Damn, this girl is so hot" I thought in my mind. The way her (h/l) hair swayed in the wind. Her bright (e/c) eyes.

"What's your name beautiful?" I said looking into her eyes. Her cheeks were painted red. "I'm (y/n)" she replied almost immediately. "I'm Finn, Finn Wolfhard." I took her hand and kissed it softly. "I figured that" she whispered in my ear. She then winked at me. It sent shivers down my spine.

"Why don't I walk you home? Since I did basically run you over." She thought a second. "Sure, but no bull shit" she replied back with a smile.

(y/n) POV

"Holy shit, I can't believe Finn Wolfhard was walking me home" I thought in my head.

His hand brushed mine. I looked at him and he smirked. "I'm sorry (y/n)". I stopped in front of my new house.

"Here we are" I looked over at him, his mouth wide open. "You're my new roommate?!" He said shocked. "What the fuck"I whispered.

Well my first chapter, I hope y'all liked it. I will try to post new chapters daily.

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