Make Yourself At Home

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(y/n) POV

I stood still, my mouth was wide open. So was Finns. We faced each other

"So I guess we're roomies gorgeous" Finn said nervously. His cheeks were bright red.

"Yeah, I guess we are." I said walking into the house. Finn not that far behind.

"(y/n), Finn. Y'all met?" Mary said, smiling.

"Yeah, I guess we did" i said, it kind of sounded harsh. I ran upstairs. As soon as I got in the room. I plopped on my bed. "What the fuck have I gotten myself into." I sighed and decided to take a nap.

Finn's POV

"Oh geez, I'm going to have to deal with that beautiful human being" I sighed. I pulled out my phone. I had a notification from Gaten. I clicked it, and Gaten had tagged me in a picture. The caption read "can't wait to reunite with you guys" I double tapped the picture. I suddenly got the best idea.

I ran upstairs and into my room. "(y/n)!" I said. I saw her laying on her bed asleep. She was one of the prettiest girls I've ever laid eyes on. I shook her.

Her eyes slowly opened. "What the fuck Finn" her voice cracked. Which made me laugh. She glared at me.

"(y/n) I have the best plan ever!" I said happily. "Tomorrow the cast of "Stranger Things" and I are going out for us to catch up, so you wanna come?"

Her eyes went big. "Are you fucking serious?" She screamed. I laughed "of course I am (y/n)." She suddenly pulled me into a hug. I smiled and hugged her back. "I can't wait" she smiled. "Neither can I (y/n), neither can I"

(y/n) POV

After a few hours of laughing and telling embarrassing stories I decided to get in the shower.

"Hey Finn, I'm going to hop in the shower." I said gathering my things. He nodded. I shut the door behind me. I slid down as I leaned on the door. I held my knees. I whispered "Finn Fucking Wolfhard is my new roommate" I laughed, and cried tears of joy. I turned on the water. I did what I usually did when I showered. After about twenty minutes, I got out. I dried off, I put my sports bra on, my panties (I hate this word, but saying underwear sounds weirder), and my nike pros. I slid a huge ass shirt over me. I put my hair in a messy bun. I put my charcoal face mask on. "They did tell me to make myself at home."

I walked out of the bathroom. Finn was seating on the ground playing his guitar, but I saw he was on Instagram live.

"Hey Finn" I said plopping down beside him. "Oh, hey (y/n)" he said stopping his guitar. "What are you doing?" I sat criss cross. "Just playing my guitar for my people" he said laughing and pointing at his phone. I read some comments. I saw some, one said "are yall dating?". I looked at Finn "we are not fucking dating". "Ouch, that hurt (y/n), he said holding his heart playfully. I punched his arm.

Finn's POV

"Well, I'm going to get off, I love each and everyone of y'all" I said. (Y/n) leaned over me and yelled "byebye" I smiled at her.

"I'm going to go pull this mask off" (y/n) said before getting up. "Okay, don't take to long, I still have to shower." I replied. She smirked, and she shut the door.

"What is that girl doing to me" I whispered before letting out a sigh. She walked out after five minutes. She got into bed. "I'm getting in the shower" I yelled before shutting the door. After about ten minutes, I got out. I dried off. I put my boxers on and slid on my blue pj pants. I didn't sleep with a shirt on though. I walked out and looked at (y/n). My eyes were huge. "What are you doing?"

(Y/n) POV

"What does it look like, I'm smoking this blunt" I replied fiercely. "How did you get that? Finn asked

Flashback to two days ago

"We're going to miss you (y/n)" My friends said, before pulling me into a group hug. "Here, we got you this" my friend Justin handed me a bag of pre rolled blunts. "I heard weed was legal in California now" my friend Marissa laughed. "I'm going to miss causing hell with yall" I said holding back my tears.

End of Flashback

"Hello" I came back from my thoughts. "How'd you get that". I smirked, "I got my ways." Finn rolled his eyes. "Come here, I want to try something" he came closer. "Open your mouth" he raised his eyebrows. "Trust me, i don't bite, on some occasions" I winked. He sighed and did as I said. I took another hit, I barely touched my lips with his. I exhaled into his mouth. I pulled away. "Come on" I motioned. Finn let out the smoke. I finished of the blunt. I smiled "goodnight Finn". He sat there shocked. I rolled over and closed my eyes. "And by the way, you look smokin hot without a shirt." I drifted off into a deep sleep.


My New Life {Finn Wolfhard x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now