The Day Out

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Finns POV

I woke up, rubbing whatever junk I had in my eyes. I sat up in bed and reached for my phone. The time was "8:45 AM". I got out of bed and started getting ready for the day.

The door opened and (y/n) walked in. "Good morning Finnie, sleep well?" She giggled. She looked good. Her hair was in two pig tails, that were curled. She was wearing a off the shoulders shirt, but it was also a crop top. Her shorts were... short. She also had some checkered vans on. "Damn" I whispered

I guess she heard me, because she said "Well, you look good too, Finnie" she winked. "So your mom just lets you walk around like that?" I raised an eyebrow. "Basically" she laughed.

"Well the limo will be here at 9:30". Her mouth was wide open "a limo" she squealed. "Yes (y/n) a limo". She smiled

(Y/n) POV

"Today is going to be a good day" I said jumping around the room.  I was on Finns bed jumping. I had my eyes closed. I misplaced my foot and started falling. Luckily Finn was there, who caught me in his arms. "Woah there (y/n), calm down." My cheeks turned a bright red, I knew they did because my cheeks were burning. He put me down.

"Sorry about that Finnie, thanks for catching me though" I laughed. "Thanks for being such a catch (y/n). He smiled. While we stood there, we heard a honk and we ran to the window. It was the limo. "Race ya" I yelled running out of the room. I was outside already. Finn not far behind. "I'm going to get you (y/n)." Finn yelled. He picked me up by the waist. I let out a playful scream. We both fell to the ground, laughing. I looked into Finns chocolate brown eyes. "You're an idiot Finn Wolfhard" I giggled "and you're beautiful (y/n) (y/l/n)" He smiled.

"Are yall love birds going to lay there all day, or get in." I looked toward the voice. It was Millie Bobby Brown. I got up and walked into the limo. The whole crew was there. Gaten, Millie, Caleb, Sadie, and Noah. The boys shook my hand. The girls stood up and hugged me. That's when I noticed Millie was sitting on Jacobs lap. "Uhm there is only one seat left" I said turning towards everyone. "Well looks like you're sitting on Finns lap" Sadie said winking. "Well shit" I muttered.

Finn sat down, and I sat down on his lap. "Is this alright?" I said looking back at him. He nodded. He put his arms around my waist so I wouldn't move around.

"So where are we going first?" Joe Keery asked. "Lets go to that ice cream museum!" Millie shrieked. Jacob just laughed. "Uhm, why is Joe here?" I giggled. Finn whispered in my ear "he's suppose to be our chaperone." His whisper made a shiver go down my spine.

We pulled up at the museum. "Okay, so we are going to do the buddy system" Joe said as we walked in. The partners where Sadie and Caleb, Millie and Jacob, Finn and me, and Gaten, Noah and Joe.

"Let's go Finnie" I said grabbing his hand and running in. "Slow down (y/n)" he said laughing. There was a shit ton of ice cream in that museum.

We walked into a room that had a pool filled with sprinkles. Before I could say anything, Finn pushed me in.

Finns POV

"You fucking bitch" (y/n) said laughing. I stuck my hand out to help her out. Instead she pulled me in. She started laughing hard. I threw sprinkles at her. She did the same in return. She was so beautiful, her (h/l) (h/c) hair laid in the sprinkles perfectly. All I could do was smile.

Obviously we had to get Ice Cream. We all sat at this round table and ate our ice cream. (Y/n) had ice cream on the side of her lip. I wiped it away with my thumb

"Ooooohhh, get it Finn" Gaten yelled from across the table.

(Y/n) POV

After the Ice Cream Museum, we decided to go to Disney Land. Sadie gave us that idea. The limo ride wasn't as awkward as before. I put my arm around Finn's neck, as we all laughed together. We pulled up to the gate. I grabbed Finn's hand again, and hurried out of the limo.

"Come on Finnie" I yelled, pulling his arm along. We walked up to the gate. Fans had already started noticing Finn, and the rest of the cast.

"Fans tend to become wild when they see us, stick with me, and I'll keep you safe (y/n)". He said putting his arm around my shoulder. "Oh what would I ever do without you Finn" I said pushing him away.

After a while of riding rides, we all decided to ride the biggest one there. Finn, and I sat in the ride together. I started to get scared. So I grabbed Finn's hand. He intertwined mine with his. I smiled at him. His eyes made me melt like chocolate. We went over the top and I yelled "HOLY SHIT". Finn started to laugh.

The ride came to a stop, as we finished. We got out, I was still holding Finn's hand. I was shaking from that scary ass ride. Finn noticed and pulled me into a hug "(y/n) the rides over" he said laughing.

We all decided to take a picture in front of that big ass castle. We all gathered up. Jacob was holding Millie in his arms. Joe and Gaten did the same. Sadie draped her arm on Caleb's shoulder. I was on Finns back. This random guy that took our picture, yelled "3, 2, 1". At one, I kissed Finn's cheek. He put me down after the picture. His cheeks were the brightest I've ever seen them. "I'm ready to go home now Finnie" I yawned. "Okay (y/n), let's head to the limo"

We were almost home. I was so tired. I whispered to Finn "I don't think I'm going to make it to the house" I let out another yawn. We pulled up "carry me Finnie" I said wrapping my arms behind his neck. He lifted me up. One hand was behind my back, the other under my legs.

Finn's POV

(Y/n) was already asleep in my arms. I smiled at her while I walked up the stairs. We entered our room and I set her gently on her bed. I started walking away but (y/n) grabbed my wrist. "Lay with me Finn" she said slowly opening her eyes. I sighed and laid beside her. She wrapped her arm around me, as she slowly fell asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night. I saw (y/n) cuddled up right next to me. I pulled her closer to me. She dug her head into my chest. "You're so beautiful (y/n)" I whispered to her. I kissed her forehead, and went to sleep.


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