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Finn's POV

I looked out into the crowd and caught a glimpse at a familiar face. My princess was here. I smiled but kept singing.

After the curtains closed, i ran off stage. I went backstage to find (y/n). I suddenly got slammed into a wall.

"Hi Finn, I'm your biggest fan" this random girl said. "I'm sorry but I have to be some whe-" I was cut off by a pair of lips.

"Finnie?" I heard a shaky voice say. I pushed the girl. "(Y/N) it's not what it looks like!"

(Y/N) eyes were glossy. I didn't want to lose her again. I can't lose her again.  I've broken her so many times already.


I felt rage all over as I clinched my fists. "I fucking trusted you Finn" I said looking him straight in the eye. "I regret all of this now!" I felt hot tears streaming down my face.

"(Y/N), I love you" Finn said while putting a hand on my shoulder. I pushed his hand away. "Finn stop. You promised twice. TWICE" I was furious.

"I thought I was your princess, your everything, your FOREVER and ALWAYS" I shouted.

"Here, I don't need this anymore" I handed him the ring that didn't mean shit to me anymore. And with that I stormed off.

In the distance I heard "I lost her". The voice was shaky. My heart shattered that night. I pulled out my phone and called the only person I could think of


Wyatt: Hello?
(Y/N): Hey Wy Guy, it's (y/n)
Wyatt: Oh hey gorgeous, what's up?
(Y/N): Do you want to go to a party?
Wyatt: Party, with you? Most definitely.
(Y/N): Okay, I'm coming to get you

I hung up sighing. I threw my phone in the passenger seat. I drove away and headed towards Wyatt's house.

I pulled up and texted him. I waited for him to come out. I finally saw his tall silhouette walk outside. He reached my car and climbed inside.

"Hey beautiful, it's been a minute hasn't it" he pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back, smiling. He smelt really good. I pulled back.

"So where's the party?" He asked buckling up. "Uhm you'll see, but tonight I plan on getting fucked up." I said speeding down the road.

We pulled up to a two story house. "Jack's house?" Wyatt asked looking at me. I nodded my head, turning the car off. I looked at my phone and seen 14 missed calls and 23 texts from Finn. I sighed and turned my phone off.

"Let's go" I said getting out of the car. Wyatt and I walked up to the door. His arm was wrapped around my waist. I opened the door and I was instantly hit with the smell of alcohol, weed, and sweat.

"(Y/N)! YOU CAME!" I heard a familiar voice say. It was Sophia. "My bitch!" I said hugging her.

"Come on Wyatt, let's go get drinks" I said pulling him into the kitchen. I grabbed a couple of shot glasses. I poured grey goose into six glasses. Three for me, and three for Wyatt.

"You ready?" Wyatt said with a smirk. I nodded and took one in my hand. "Go" I shouted. I threw the first one back with ease, same with the second, and third. I wiped my mouth off, and looked at Wyatt who had just finished his last one.

"Keep up baby boy" I said taking the bottle with me. I walked over to Jack and saw him passing the blunt.

"Oh lemme get a hit of that!" I said grabbing it. I took a hit and passed it to Wyatt. After a couple of hits I walked over to where people were dancing.

I took another drink from the bottle. I felt myself getting drunker and drunker. I didn't really care at this point.

"Dance with me Wyatt" I said looking at him. He put his hands on my waist, and pulled me closer. I grinded a little. 

"Having fun?" Wyatt whispered into my ear. I turned around and faced him. "Oh yeah" I said with a giggle. I looked down at his lips. I wanted to kiss him. I guess he saw me staring. He started leaning in, and so did I. Our lips finally connected. It grew intense real fast. His tongue went across my bottom lip. I opened my mouth, giving him permission.

I pulled back smiling like crazy. I took another drink from the bottle. I continued dancing on Wyatt.

"The cops are here!" I heard a voice yell. The crowd of people started running around. I looked at Wyatt who grabbed my hand. We didn't know where to go. I saw a cop coming. "Shit, run" I yelled.

I felt myself get pushed to the ground. Hand cuffs went around my wrists. I got lifted of the ground and led to a cop car.

I muttered to myself "shit"


My New Life {Finn Wolfhard x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now