Just A Little Brunch

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I was woken up by Sophia, who was shaking me. "(Y/N) get up, I'm hungry". I rubbed my eyes, pushing Sophia away.

"Okay, okay. Let's go to IHOP" I said getting up from the bed. I looked across the room to see a sleeping Finn. I smiled, before i ran across the room and jumped on him.

"Suprise bitch" I said laying on top of him. I heard him groan, before pulling me into a hug. "C'mon Finn, get ready. We're going to eat at IHOP." I said giggling. He shot up from the bed, and ran to his closet. I looked at Sophia, and we both started laughing.

I went to the bathroom, and brushed my wild hair down. I started getting ready for the day. I looked at myself one last time, and walked out.

"My girlfriend is a snack" Finn said walking up to me

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"My girlfriend is a snack" Finn said walking up to me.  "No, my best friend is a full course meal, the fuck you mean?" Sophia said pushing Finn, and hugging me.

"Thanks Soph" I said giggling. "Are y'all ready?" I said grabbing my keys. I looked at them, and they both nodded eagerly. We walked out of the room with our arms locked.

"I call aux!" Sophia shouted while getting in. Finn shot her a glare before finally speaking "fine." I put my hand over Finn's hand that was on my thigh. He rolled his eyes playfully.

"Hit me baby one more time!" Sophia sang out as I drove. The wind was making my hair fly everywhere. Finn's hair was also blowing. His curls were a perfect mess. I smiled and squeezed his hand.

We finally pulled up to the IHOP. I turned the car off, and got out. Finn walked over to me, and threw a arm around my neck. We walked inside, Finn holding the door for us. I smiled at him. Good thing it wasn't packed. We found a small booth. I slid in, and Finn did after me.

"Y'all are so cute, never ever break up. Again" Sophia said glaring at us. We threw our hands up in surrender. All of us laughing.

"Hey guys!" I heard a familiar voice from behind. "Jackie!" Sophia said as he slid in the booth beside her. He kissed her cheek.

I look over at Finn slowly, and he looked back. We both smirked. "So uhm, when did this happen?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Sophia and Jack exchanged a quick glance before Jack spoke up. "Well, it kinda just happened. We started hanging out more and more. There was kinda like a connection ya know?"

"Yeah, I know that feeling." I said while leaning my head on Finn's shoulder.

"Okay, what would y'all like today?" An older lady said to us. We all gave her our order.

She came back with our drinks. "Thanks you ma'am" I said smiling. I took a sip of my drink. I looked over at the door way and my heart dropped.

I chocked on my drink. "Hey, are you alright? You look flustered" Finn said squeezing my hand. "Uh yeah" I said slowly.

It was Dylan. I haven't seen him since he had moved, and completely shut me out. My eyes were locked on him. I couldn't move.

"Earth to (y/n)!" I heard Sophia shout. "Oh, I am so sorry." I said snapping back to reality.

"Hey (y/n)" I looked to my side and saw Dylan. I gulped loudly. "Hey Dyl, what are you doing?" I said nervously. "I was going to meet up with some friends, and I saw you. Thought I would say hi" he said with a simple smile.

"Yeah, right now we are kind of busy. Can you go?" Finn said pulling me closer to him. Finn knew how much Dylan hurt me after he pushed me away.

"Okay, sorry to ruin y'alls breakfast. See you later (y/n)" Dylan said before walking away.

I held my tears back as much as I could. Finn pulled me into a tight hug. He rubbed the back of my head gently. He whispered soothing words into my ear.

After a while, I finally calmed down. The food came, and we ate in silence. Jack let out a awkward cough. I smiled a little.

"Well guys, this has been a great breakfast. I think I'll just catch a ride with Jack. See y'all later." Sophia said before getting up and leaving.

I looked over at Finn. "Are you ready?" I said pushing a curl out of his face. He smiled, and nodded.

I got up, and grabbed my keys. "Here, go start the car. I need to use the bathroom."

I ran down the little hall say towards the bathroom. I washed my hands, and laid down the hairs that stuck up. I smiled at myself, and walked out.

"Can we talk?" I heard Dylan say at the end of the hallway. I looked at him as he came closer.

"There's literally nothing to talk about. You left me when I needed you the most" I said looking him straight in the eyes.

"I have to go" I whispered. "(Y/N), wait" Dylan said and grabbed my wrist. I glared at him before jerking my arm away.

I walked outside, and towards my car. I wiped away the tear that slipped out. I got in, and drove away.


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