I'm Done

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I woke up at 4:45 AM this morning. I wanted the first flight out of this hell hole. The flight was at 6:00 AM. I packed up my things as quietly as possible. I didn't tell my dad I was leaving, and I didn't plan on it. Dylan came and saw me before i left. "Im going to miss you, but I'll text you when i finally move" we hugged. I got everything, called my uber and headed out.

I waited for my plane to be called. I didn't tell Finn I was coming home early, I want it to be a surprise. My flight got called, and I got on. As usual, I took a nap. I woke up by myself this time. I stretched "damn it feels good to be in Cali" I smiled, and got off the plane. I didn't want to wake up Finn and tell him to come get me. So I called another uber. I couldn't wait to see my baby.

The uber pulled up to my house. I threw my money at him, grabbed my bags and ran inside. I put my bags by the front door. I walked up the stairs quietly. I got to the door. I opened it "I'M HOME FIN- WHAT THE HELL?!" I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I saw Jessica and Finn sleeping together. "Finnie?" I said holding my tears back. "(Y/N)!" he walked towards me. "Stop Finn, I can't." I was sobbing. "I thought you loved me!" I yelled crying.

I walked over to the bed. I couldn't help myself. I started punching Jessica repeatedly "WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE JUST LEFT US ALONE!" GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. She ran out. "(Y/N) I am so sorry" Finn said, tears were running down his cheeks. "I can't do this anymore Finn, I'm sorry, but we're done. I hope you have fun with her." I said, sobbing. I walked out of the room. Could this week get any worse. I didn't know where to go, so I ran outside.

Finn's POV

"What the fuck did I just do?" I sobbed into my hands. "I just lost the most special girl ever." I got up and punched the wall. "I'M SORRY (Y/N)" I said crying. My heart was truly broken. I couldn't even look at myself. This is all my fault. I knew I wasn't going to get another chance.

(Y/N) walked back into the room. She didn't even look at me. She set her bags on the ground. I saw her eyes, they were red. I saw her bruises, and my heart ached. "(Y/N) can we talk? I know I just made the worst mistake ever, and I know I don't deserve another chance, but I just want you to know. You are, and will always be the best thing to happen to me" I said, holding my tears back. "You know Finn, I trusted you. I was your FOREVER & ALWAYS. I guess this didn't mean anything to you" she said taking off her ring and throwing it at me. "Please just leave me alone now" she walked to the bathroom crying. I felt alone.

Two Days Later

Liked by yaboidylan, milliebobbybrown, wyattoleff, and 98,247 others

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Liked by yaboidylan, milliebobbybrown, wyattoleff, and 98,247 others

trippie.(y/n) congratulations, you lost me
  view all 2738 comments
yaboidylan be in Cali tomorrow
unknown 1 did you and Finn break up?
milliebobbybrown we need a girls day asap
unknown 2 oh yikes
wyattoleff if you ever need anything, imma call away 😉

Finn, and I haven't talked. We live in the same room, but we're so distant, it doesn't feel like anyone else is there. I honestly do miss him. I miss cuddling with him. I miss everything about him, but he hurt me, and I don't think I need that in my life. I also cut again. Finn doesn't know because when I'm in the shower I let it all out. God, I miss him so much.

Finn's POV

I haven't felt like eating. I didn't feel like doing anything. I was heart broken. I want (y/n) back. I missed everything we did, our laughs, our late night convos. I cry whenever she's not around. I don't know what to do without her. I blocked Jessica on everything. I even told my lawyer to put a restraining order on her. God, I miss (y/n) so much.


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