Safe Travels

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"(Y/N) Are you packed yet?" My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "Yes, well almost" I yell back. I look over at Finn who is frantically packing. It was spring break, and we were taking a trip.

"Are you excited?" Finn asks me with a happy tone. I smile and say "Well obviously. Relaxing, tanning, smoothies, and my favorite boy. Who wouldn't be happy." He smiles before walking over to me. He grabs my hips, and pulls me closer to him. "I love you (y/n)" He smiles. "I love you Finn" I place a gently kiss on his nose. "Is that all I get?" Finn whines. I roll my eyes, and pull Finn into a deep kiss. He dips me, and I start laughing during our kiss.
I get down stairs and see my mom already loading her things into the car. I was struggling to carry all of my bags so I had to ask Finn for help. "FINNIE HELPPPPPP!" I said acting like I was about to die. "Omg (y/n) calm down, I got it" he said while grabbing my bags away from me and throwing them in the car. "Thank you lovie." I say with a wink. "No problem baby." He slapped my ass and I Just smirked. "I love that outfit by the way. It kind of turns me on" He winked before climbing into the car.

 It kind of turns me on" He winked before climbing into the car

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We were on our way to the airport now. It was my family, Finn and I in one car while his family was in the other. Finn and I were in the backseat listening to music. "This is like my favorite band. Like I love twin peaks so much I feel like their music just gets me" Finn said looking at me all seriously. "Wow Finnie we need to go see them in concert one day!" " I want to soo bad." By this time we were pulling into the parking garage of the airport.

Time passes and they finally call for our flight to Hawaii. Our families board the plane. I had the window seat with Finn right next to me and some old lady in the isle seat. Mary and Eric are sitting two rows behind us and Nick and my mom behind them. Our flight was at five and we had been on the plane for a while. It was dark and almost everyone was asleep.

I looked at Finn thinking he was alseep but I found his eyes staring back into mine. They were so beautiful and brown. I felt my cheeks growing warm and a smile started to grow on my face. "Hey (y/n) I'm so glad you're mine" he said while biting his lip. That excited me a little. "I wanna Make out with you so bad Finn.." I said without thinking. "I'll tell you what, meet me in the bathroom in five minutes i have something I need to show you" he said before getting up and walking towards the bathroom.

*Big Smut warning B's (like when I say big, I mean BIG)

I looked at my watch. "Exactly five minutes." I got up and headed to the bathroom. I knocked on the door "Hey, open the fawk up." The door unlocked so i opened it. Right as i walked in Finn pushed me against the counter. "I told you i had something to show you." He whispered into my hair. He then started aggressively making out with me. His tongue was on mine. He sat me on the counter then locked the door, and continued what he had started. He started sucking on my neck and leaving a few bites here and there. Then he left kisses down to my collar bone " fu-uck Finn" I wanted him soo bad. I wrapped my legs around his torso. Bringing him as close as I could. I tilted my head back for Finn to get a better angle. I was moaning softly into his curly hair. I started leaving scratches on his shoulders, and neck. He looked up, and smirked at me. He yanked at the bottom of my shirt. I lifted my hands, and he lifted my shirt over my head. He observed my upper body. "You're so stunning" He said tracing his fingertips against my skin. He started kissing my stomach. I reached behind me, and I unhooked my bra. I slid it off, and I put it to the side. I took his shirt off of him. I looked at the previous hickies I gave him, and I smiled. I hopped off the counter and pushed him against the walk. I wanted to leave more of my marks. So that's what I did. I left kisses, and bites all over his chest and stomach.

He suddenly leaned me over the sink. He slowly started to unzip my skirt. It finally fell to the ground. "I don't think you're ready for this" Finn said while laughing. I rolled my eyes, and looked behind me. He pulled my panties down. He smirked as he dove in."OH My God Finnie.." I gasped.

I couldn't handle the teasing. "(Y/n) I need you right now. Right. Fucking. Now." He pulled a condom out of his pocket and pulled his pants down exposing his huge ass boner. He put on the condom and stuck it in. He went slow at first. He knew he was being a tease so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I started throwing it back. Finn was taken by surprise. "O-Oh my G-God (y/n) right there fuckk" I started to speed up. "(Y/n) I'm soo fucking close keep going" we both climaxed.

Afterwards I put my clothes on and walked back to my seat and Finn followed shortly after. "Welcome to the Mile high club (y/n)" he said winking. I rolled my eyes playful. He put an arm around me, and fell asleep. "Damn, I must've made him work hard" I thought to myself.

I woke up to a bright light. I looked up and the first thing I saw was the over head lights. I saw everyone getting up, and grabbing their things. I looked beside me and saw that Finn was still asleep. I shook him gently "Finnie, time to get up" He opened his eyes, and groaned. I smiled and got up. Damn, I was sore.

We all walked out of the plane. Finn had to hold me by my side to make sure I didn't fall. I whispered to Finn "I am so sore". He laughed and whispered back "Well that's a good thing". I hit him playfully. "This is going to be a good trip" I muttered into him as he pulled me closer. As usual, a flutter of camera's surrounded us. I let out a huge sigh, and Finn kissed my forehead.


My New Life {Finn Wolfhard x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now