Night of Love & Lust

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Finn's POV

It was around 8:30 at night. (Y/N) and I were getting ready for bed. She was in the shower. I could hear her singing. I had already showered. I was wearing some grey Nike jersey shorts. I sat on my bed, scrolling on my phone. I heard a knock on my window. I got up to check.

"Miss me baby?" Jessica said crawling in. "Get the hell out of here!" I demanded. "Touchy aren't we, that girl (y/n) really is changing you. I don't like it Finnie."

"Bitch, I'm the only girl that gets to call him Finnie" (y/n) said walking out of the bathroom. She walked up to Jessica. "Get the fuck out of my room bitch" (y/n) screamed. (Y/N) grabbed Jessica's hair, and dragged her out of the bedroom door. I followed after them. She continued grabbing her hair down the stairs. "Don't you ever fucking come back" (y/n) yelled before literally throwing Jessica into the lawn. She slammed the door. I ran up to her

"Hey (y/n) calm down, she's gone now" I said laughing. Pulling her into a hug. She looked hot when she was mad. I put my hand on her thigh, sliding up. That's when I noticed (y/n) was just wearing a big shirt with nothing but her panties underneath.


His touch sent tingling sensations all over my body. I looked into his eyes. He looked nervous for some reason. "Hey Finnie, let's go back upstairs" I winked, and I tugged on his shorts. Signalling him to follow me. I rushed up the stairs. Finn not so far behind.

I shut the door behind him. I locked it. I took his hand, and we headed towards the bed. I gently pushed his chest, making him sit down. I climbed into Finn's lap, straddling him. "Is this okay Finnie?" I said moving one of his perfect curls out of his face. He nodded. I leaned in for a kiss, and he quickly made the space between us disappear. His kisses were sweet. I loved them. I kissed him with more force. He went with it. I opened my mouth a little. He took that chance to slip tongue in. It turned into a full on make out session

I pulled away "wow Finnie, I've never seen this side of you. I like it" I winked. He smirked, before he grabbed my hair gently, and he bent my head back. Exposing my neck. He left little kisses as he made his way to my neck. His lips met my neck. He started to suck, and bite softly. I let out a quiet moan. I had my hands on the back of his head. Messing with his hair, as he did his thing. He became more aggressive. Leaving love bites all over my neck. Until he met one of my many sweet spots. As he bit my neck, I gasped. Which made my grip on his hair tighter. He looked into my eyes. His eyes had a sparkle that I have never seen.

I took of my shirt, and threw it to the floor. Leaving me in my (f/c) [favorite color] matching bra and panty set. "Damn, you're so beautiful (y/n)" I smiled, as he ran his finger tips on all my curves. Before I laid him down. I started to kiss his cheeks. "Are you ready for this Finnie?" I whispered in his ear. He nodded. I gently bit his ear. I started to kiss his jawline. Leaving wet kisses. He groaned in pleasure. I could feel him became excited underneath me. I start biting on his neck, not holding back. I moved back up to his lips. Biting gently on his bottom lip. His hands explored my body.

He flipped me over on my back. Finn was now on top. I giggled at him. He lightly traced his finger tips across my stomach. Which immediately sent tingles all over. "Uhm, (y/n) do you mind if I take off your bra" I smiled and nodded. I sat up so he could unhook my bra. Which Finn did quickly. He kissed the top of my chest, and made his way down. I dont think he missed a single spot. His kisses were like heaven. He stopped at the lace of my panties. I nodded, giving him permission. His eyes went big at how wet I was. I was shocked too. He dove in. He kissed the insides of my hips. I had so many sweet spots, that I didn't know I had. He had me moaning, but I had to keep them contained so our parents wouldn't hear.

I sat up and pulled the strings on Finn's shorts. I pulled his shorts and boxers down at the same time. He leaned over me, but I stopped him. "Do you have a condom?" He shook his head yes , and dug in his night stand. He did his thing and got back into his position. "(Y/N), are you sure you want to do this?" He said asking concerned. "Yes, Finnie"

He held nothing back either. He thrusted into me. I gasped out loud. He started at a good pace. I was moaning like crazy. He put a finger up to my lips. Making me be quiet. I scratched his back, leaving my marks of pleasure. "F-Finn, I think I'm going to" I said before hitting my climax. Which made me moan louder. I honestly didn't give a shit if my mom heard us. A few moments later, Finn picked up his pace. Thrusting into me. Which made me hit another climax. Finn had came too.

His sweaty body dropped next to me. I was out of breath, and so was he. He smiled at me, and I smiled back. We intertwined our fingers. "I love you Finnie" I whispered. "I love you (Y/N)" he leaned in a gave me a kiss


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