Late Night Snacks

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I woke up to a banging on my door. I sat up quickly, which instantly triggered a massive headache. I groaned "hangovers are the absolute worst"

I got out of bed slowly. I walked over to the door, stepping over a sleeping Finn on the ground. I opened the door and it was Nick.

"Holy shit, what happened to you?" Nick said laughing. I gave him a quick glare. "Well, you better wake Finn's ass up. We're leaving in two hours".

"Finn wake up!" I yelled. "Here you and Finn take these, it'll ease the pain a little." Nick said handing me a pill bottle. I gave him a friendly smile before shutting the door.

Finn walked over to me. "My head is literally killing me" He was holding his head. "Never again" I said tiredly. Flopping onto the bed.

Time Skip (imma lazy bitch who just got done with softball games so sowwy)

Finn and I slept any chance we got. In the car to the airport, at the airport, on the plane, in the uber home too.  Hang overs were not fun at all.

We finally made it home after the longest trip of my life. I dragged my suitcase upstairs, Finn following right behind me.

I put it by my closet and plopped on my bed. "I'm exhausted Finnie let's take a nap" I say while taking off my shoes.

I turned around and saw Finn already past out on my bed with his shirt off. I crawl on my bed and plop down next to him.

"(Y/n) I'm so happy you're mine" he turns so that we're face to face him smiling ear to ear. "Awe Finnie I love you so much" for some reason tears start coming out of my eyes.

" what's wrong Love?" He stares at me with concerned eyes. "Nothing it's just that a year ago I would've never imagined myself here.. with you. I love you more than anything Finn. I dont know what I would do without you."

By this time Finn's eyes are glossy as if he were about to cry as well. " (y/n) I don't think I could ever live without you. Please, never leave me.." a tear starts to stream down his face. "Never, I promise" and with that we fall into a deep sleep.

"(Y/N), (Y/N) wake up, I'm bored" I heard a voice say. I groaned "what time is it?". I opened my eyes to see Finn. "Uhm, it's 12:47 AM" Finn said looking at his phone.

"I guess I'm up now" I said stretching a little. I looked at Finn, noticing his messy bed hair. I laughed a little.

"What?" He said looking at me strangely. I laughed again. "Boy, have ya seen ya hair".

"Hey, I wouldn't judge me. Have you seen your hair" he said with a smirk. I got up quickly and ran to the mirror. I shrieked "ahhh, my oh my". My hair was sticking out everywhere. "I'm still cute though" I said winking at myself in the mirror. "How did I even get into these clothes. I'm so slumped, I dont even remember". I threw my hair up into a messy bun

"I want ice cream" I said walking out

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"I want ice cream" I said walking out. Finn smiled "ooo let's go to Wal-Mart, and get snacks" I nodded, and grabbed my keys.

I took his hand and we slowly walked downstairs. Making sure not to wake anyone.

I started my car, and pulled out. Finn grabbed the aux and played some music. "Damn, it feels so good to be back" I screamed out the window. I looked back at the road.

We finally pulled up to Wal-Mart. Finn hopped out of the car. He slid across the hood, which made me laugh. He opened my door "Ma'Lady" he said shutting the door. I smiled "Well thank you kind sir". I linked my arm with his, and we walked in.

I got a cart, and I hopped in it. "I don't feel like walking" I faced towards him, as he pushed me in the cart. "Where to first love." He asked. "Hmmm, the chip aisle" I replied. He smiled, and started heading towards it.

"There's so many choices" I said dramatically. I grabbed a bag of hot cheetos, and dinamitos. "These are smackin" I said putting them inside the cart. Finn laughed and we moved onto the next aisle.

I grabbed a popcorn box. I got some cheez-its, zebra cakes, and alot of other junk. For drinks, Finn and I got three bottles of that fake sparkling cider juice.

We decided to get ice cream last so that it wouldn't melt. I grabbed my favorite ice cream, which was (y/f/ic/f) {your favorite ice cream flavor}. "I cant wait to eat all this food in this cart" I said happily.

"Me either" Finn said winking. I roll my eyes. "You're disgusting" I said playfully. "You know you love it" He said pushing the cart to a register.

I hopped out and helped start placing the food on the conveyor belt. The young women scanned our items.

"Hey, aren't you Finn and (y/n)?" She asked excitedly. She knows me? I looked over at Finn and smiled.

"Yes, that's us" I said with a huge grin. "Y'all are honestly so cute together, maybe, can I get a picture with y'all?" She said, her whole face was lit up.

"Sure" Finn and I both said, which made us laugh. She pulled her phone out and stood between us. "Say cheese" she said. I smiled hugely.

"Thank you guys so much" she said as she put our stuff into our cart. "Anything to make y'all happy" Finn said taking the cart.

We walked out, and went back to the car. We put the sacks in the back seat. "Buckle up" I said and drove off.

The whole night Finn and I cuddled on my bed. We watched a scary movie, because Finn wanted to. We ate up most of our snacks. Sometimes Finn would place little kisses on my forehead.

The night was.... perfect.


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