Hardships & Heartbreaks

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I woke up with the usual pain I've been waking up too. I looked over at Finn, he was asleep on his hotel bed. I got up and ran to the bathroom. I threw up. I knew what was wrong, but Finn didn't. I had another doctors appointment today. 

"Hey (y/n), are you okay?" Finn said knocking on the door. I flushed the toilet, and wiped my mouth off. "Yeah, I'm fine" I said walking out. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Hey, uh Finnie. I'm going to go uh out for a little." He looked at me confused. "Where are you going?" Finn asked curiously. "Oh, just out" I said walking over to the door. "I love you princess" Finn said kind of in a hurt voice. I smiled a little. "I love you too Finnie" I said and shut the door

Finn's POV

Something was definitely up. I heard her throwing up. Is she not telling me something. Did I get her pre-, no. I'm just being crazy. I really care about her, and I don't know what's wrong. I looked over at her bed, and I noticed a piece of paper sticking out under her pillow. I grabbed it, and it read "doctor's visitation, next appointment is next week." What is this, and why didn't she tell me about this. Why is she keeping this a secret. I was frustrated, and I just wanted to yell

I paced around for an hour, until (y/n) walked in. I immediately ran up to her. "What the hell is this (y/n)?! What are you keeping from me?" She looked up at me, before walking right past me. I grabbed her wrist "What is this?" I yelled. "Finn, it is none of your business!" She screamed, tears streaming down her face. "Come on (y/n), tell me. Why are you keeping secrets from me? I thought you loved me." I fired back quickly. "I do Finn, it's just" she stopped. "It's just what? Are you pregnant?" I said still yelling. "No Finn, I am not pregnant. I am having emergency surgery tomorrow, so I won't die. My appendix is ruptured. Are you happy now" she said jerking her hand out of my grip. "(Y/n) wait" I yelled. She walked out of the door, slamming it. "What the fuck did I just do." I slid down the wall, crying into my hands. "I might have just lost the love of my life"


I ran down the hall way. I walked outside of the hotel, and down the sidewalk. I didn't know where I was. Suddenly I was pushed to the ground. I groaned and turned onto my back. Some man grabbed my shirt. "STOP, GET AWAY" I screamed. The guy ripped my shirt off of me. Touching my upper body "please stop" I said crying. "Shut the hell up bitch" he said before punching my stomach. I screamed in pain. Holding my stomach.

"HEY GET AWAY FROM HER" I heard a familiar voice yell. "Finnie" i whispered. "(Y/N) I'm right here" he said running up to my side. "I can't breathe" I said quietly. My inhales were choppy as I tried catching my breath. "(Y/N) stay with me, hello 911, I need an ambulance, please hurry." The voices started to become muffled, and I blacked out.


My New Life {Finn Wolfhard x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now