I'm Never Leaving You

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I slowly opened my eyes. I was in an unfamiliar location. My side was throbbing and I grabbed it. "I need a doctor, she's awake" I heard a voice yell. I tried sitting up but I was weak.

"(Y/N) I'm so happy you're okay" I looked over and saw Finn. He looked exhausted. His eyes looked like he has been crying. "What's wrong Finnie?" My voice was weak. "What's wrong? I should be asking you that. I'm fine, but the reason you're here is my fault. I am so sorry (y/n)." I saw a tear fall of his rosy cheeks. I wiped away the tear. "Don't be, I should have told you instead of keeping this a secret." My eyes started to water. "Well on a happier note, your surgery was a success, you get to go back home in two days." I smiled, he was a beautiful person. "Oh and I also made the list for Best Dressed Men." I laughed a little. "Well, congrats to you Finnie, you deserve it." He placed a kiss on my lips.

Liked by trippie

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Liked by trippie.(y/n), noahschnapp, lilia, and 327,826 others

finnwolfhardofficial never leaving your side princess
  view all 2134 comments
trippie.(y/n) awe, I love you so much
unknown 1 what happened, are you okay (y/n)
noahschnapp my favorites of all time
unknown 2 this is honestly so cute
lilia @ jaedenwesley next time I'm sick, I expect one of these
unknown 3 she's doing this for attention

The next two days, Finn and I told old stories. We laughed so much, and I feel like our connection is so strong now.

"Ms. (Y/L/N), you are free to go" I smiled at the doctor. I started getting dressed after the doctor left. That's when I realized that stranger ripped my shirt off of me. "Shit, Finn I don't have a shirt" I stood there with my bra and jeans on. "I don't mind" he started laughing. I just rolled my eyes. "Here, take my hoodie" he said handing it to me. I put it on, and took a deep breath, smelling his scent. "You're not getting this back Finnie." I grabbed his hand, and he intertwined his fingers with mine. We walked out of the hospital. He pulled me closer to his side, as we walked to our uber.

We had two more days in Denver. I spent most of it in the hospital. I couldn't really do anything exciting, because of my surgery. I decided to take Finn on a tour. I got dressed in the bathroom. I loved surprising Finn with my new outfits.

 I loved surprising Finn with my new outfits

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I walked out and his eyes went big. "What a babe, this is by far my favorite outfit." I blushed a little. "So are you ready to see Denver?" I asked excitedly. He smiled at me, and nodded. "Okay, let's go" I said linking my arm with his.

I first brought him to my favorite ice cream shop. I ordered my usual, which was a (y/f/ic) {your favorite ice cream} cone. Finn ordered his after mine. We took our ice creams, and sat at a table. "This ice cream is smackin" I said laughing. "Your laugh is so cute (y/n)" Finn said while grinning.

After our ice cream, we decided to rent these bikes. They were beach cruisers. I got a pink one, and Finn got a blue one. We rode around down town.

Finn's POV

I looked over at (y/n). Her (h/l) (h/c) hair was flowing perfectly in the wind. She had a smile on her face. One of her dimples formed. I was madly in love with this girl. I looked a head, and I saw a vinyl store. "Let's go in there" I said pointing towards it. We parked our bikes outside, and went inside. I looked around. I saw a record that caught my eyes, "The Clash." I whispered to myself. (Y/N) was looking at a Twenty Øne Piløts record. After a while of looking we left.

We got back on our bikes. "Can I take you to my special spot? I went here all the time to just... think" she said sweetly. I nodded, and followed her on my bike. The sun was starting to set. We pulled up to an old building. We got off our bikes. I followed (y/n) inside of the building. We walked up five flights of stairs. As soon as (y/n) opened the door, the sun rays hit my eyes. She walked up to the gate that held us back from falling. I walked up behind her, hugging her from the back. "I've missed this view." She sighed "too bad we have to leave soon." Her eyes started to tear up. I wiped them away. "Hey, let's just live in this moment." I said looking into her deep (e/c) eyes. I leaned in, and so did she. This kiss was different than our many other kisses. It had a spark in it. I pulled away, placing a hand on her cheek. "I love you so much (y/n) (y/l/n), and I'm never going to stop loving you." She smiled widely. "I love you so much Finnie." We kissed again.

" We kissed again

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Liked by trippie.(y/n), milliebobbybrown, gatenm123, and 427,902 others

finnwolfhardofficial I'm wrapped around your finger baby
  view all 3295 comments 
trippie.(y/n) Finnie, I love you so much. Forever & Always 💛
unknown 1 this is beyond goals
milliebobbybrown I'm so happy for y'all
unknown 2 so who taken this pic? The bed bugs? 😂 just kidding, love y'all
gatenm123 proud of you Finnlard
unknown 3 omgee, you might catch a disease Finn


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