The Movie Premiere

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I woke up, when I heard the start of water. I groaned and got up. I checked my phone for the time. It read "11:37 AM." I heard Finn singing, his voice was cracking, but I honestly didn't care. He was so cute. I walked in the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. "Hey Finnie" I said loudly. He peeked his head out "oh hey sleeping beauty" I smiled at him. I washed my face, and i brushed my teeth.

I was about to put my contacts in but someone grabbed my hips. It was Finn. He pulled me toward his body. I leaned against him. His towel was on. "What are you doing Finnie?" I said, as he explored my body. "I just want to have a little fun before our big night" he whispered in my ear. He moved my hair that was covering my neck. He bit down. I moaned softly. He soon started getting aggressive. He turned me around and sat me on the sink. I wrapped my legs around his waist. Pulling him closer. He stared into my eyes. I leaned in for a kiss. Finn quickly made the space disappear. My hands were in his wet hair. I opened my mouth, and soon Finn added tongue. His sloppy kisses turned me on. We both pulled away for air. Both smiling like crazy. I got off the sink. "We can finish later tonight." I winked at Finn before closing the door.

Finn invited me to a movie priemere a week ago. I obviously said yes. I get to meet the "IT" cast . This gave me time to by a new dress. I wasn't going to show up, underdressed for my first ever red carpet pictures. My mom took me shopping yesterday. I tried on the dress, and i instantly fell in love. I booked a make up artist and hair stylist to do my hair for tonight. Go big or go home. The movie starts at 7:00 PM tonight.


My hair and make up finally was finished. Finn and I both started changing into our outfits.

It was Finns first time seeing my dress

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It was Finns first time seeing my dress. "(Y/N) You're going to attract so many guys tonight, good thing you're already mine" Finn set a gently kiss on my forehead.

Finn didn't know how to tie his bow tie so i had to do it for him. I finished fixing it.  It was now 6:00.

"Are you ready (y/n)?" I walked over to a mirror. Adjusting my dress. I smiled and said "let's go slay them dead Finnie." We interlocked our arms as we walked downstairs. Our parents in awe. "Y'all look so beautiful" my mom had tears in her eyes. "They grow up so fast" We heard a honk, it was probably the limo. "Bye mom love you" I yelled before shutting the door behind us. Finn opened the door for me. "What a gentleman" I said laughing. I got in and the cast had their eyes on me. I heard someone whisper "damn". I blushed and quickly took a seat. Finn sat beside me.

"Hey Finn, aren't you going to introduce us to this fine dime." Wyatt said. "Okay my good people, this is my beautiful, amazing, wonderful girlfriend, (y/n)."

"Aye, yuh" I said laughing. We pulled up. I got up first. "Any advice?" I asked nervously. "You don't need advice, you're going to do amazing on this carpet (y/n)" Sophia said smiling. I nodded and opened the door

I stepped my foot outside like how the big movie stars did. The people with cameras came flooding over. I flipped my hair, and turned towards Finn, who put his arms around my waist "Are you ready princess?" I smiled and nodded.

Finn and I posed on the red carpet. It was the time of my life. "How'd did I get so lucky Finnie" his cheeks were painted red. I smiled and hugged him. My head was nuzzeled into his neck. I loved him. I really love him.

"I love you so much (y/n) " he said before leaning in. Our kiss was passionate. He leaned me back like we were in one of those chick flicks. I felt a smile growing during our kiss.

"Lets go ma lady" Finn held his arm out, and I locked my arm with his. I was the happiest girl on this planet. I knew I had haters, but it didn't phase me.

The movie started and I leaned on Finn's shoulder. He put his arm around me. Wyatt sat beside me. Sophia was on the other side of Finn. The movie was half way over when Finn started rubbing my thigh. It instantly sent shivers down my spine. I looked at him, and he looked back with a smirk. His hand went higher. He started leaving kisses on my neck, which turned me on instantly. He knew were my sweet spot was, so he bit it. I moaned softly.

"Uhm, can y'all get a room" Wyatt whispered. We both blushed. "Hey Finnie, let's go get popcorn." He smirked. I got up and walked past everyone. We got into that little hall way. Finn pinned my hands against the wall with one hand. The other hand ran up my thigh. His hand ran up to my panty line. His hand went inside. I let him. I was moaning loudly. Finn knew what he was doing. I gripped the back of his neck. Probably leaving a hand print. He got down on his knees. I knew what was coming. He went straight in, causing me to moan. "Fuck Finnie" I said gripping his hair. After about five minutes of him pleasing me, we decided to go back in.

"Hey where's the popcorn." Jack asked. "I ate it" Finn said licking his lips. I laughed and sat back down. The movie was over and we clapped our hands. That was one night I'll never forget.

Later on, Finn and I decided to put face masks on and go live. We just chilled for a little. I started getting tired and fell asleep on Finn's shoulder.

 I started getting tired and fell asleep on Finn's shoulder

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Liked by trippie.(y/n), jaedenwesley, wyattoleff, and 429,531 others.

finnwolfhardofficial love my princess
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trippie.(y/n) I love you so much
wyattoleff gotchu a cute one 😉
unknown 1 goaaalllsss
jaedenwesley my faves
unknown 2 slut


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