The Boy Next Door

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I woke up to the alarm on my phone. I rubbed my eyes. The time was 11:45 AM. I wasn't tired at all. Today I was finally going to meet up with Dylan. I missed him so much. I went to the bathroom and got ready. My outfit looked cute today. I looked over myself one more time and walk out.

 I looked over myself one more time and walk out

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I looked over at Finn, his mouth was wide open. He cleared his throat "uhm where do you think you're going wearing that?" He said sternly. I just looked at him. I pulled my phone out and called Dylan.

(Y/N): "Omgee, you made it! I can't wait to see you" He explained everything.
Dylan 💕: "Well here's my address."
(Y/N): "Wait you live next door?" I ran over to the window. "Look outside" I saw him, it was actually him. I screamed, and ran down the stairs. I opened the door and Dylan stood there. I jumped into him and he caught me. "DYLAN, I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!"

Finn's POV

I walked downstairs. I came to a stop, as I seen (y/n) hugging another boy. I let out a loud huff, and walked into the kitchen were my mom was cooking breakfast. "Goodmorning Sweetie" my mom said smiling. "Hey" I said sighing. "What's wrong?" She asked. I heard laughter coming. (Y/N) and that boy walked in smiling. My mom saw me and mouthed "oh". Looking at them made me rage. I walked upstairs and slammed my door. I started knocking down whatever was in my way. I love (y/n), and I'm going to do whatever it takes to get her back.

I heard someone coming, so I wiped away my tears quickly. The room was a mess. The door opened, it was (y/n). "What the fuck happened here" she said. I noticed she was holding that guys hand. I think his name is Dylan. "Nothing" I said walking out of the room, and slamming the door.

I was completely devastated. Seeing (y/n) with that guy. The things we use to do, would be shared with him, and there was nothing I could do. I love her, and I will never stop loving her. I wanted her back in my arms where she belongs, but she isn't mine anymore.

I heard (y/n) and Dylan laughing. "Dylan stop" (y/n) said laughing. "You're so cute (y/n)" I heard Dylan say. "Whatever, I'm out of here" I said walking down the stairs.


Dylan was tickling me. I was laughing so hard. "Dyl, stop" I said breathing heavily, and laughing. He looked me in my eyes. He started to lean in, but I wasn't ready for this. So I titled my head, making him kiss my cheek. "I'm sorry Dyl, maybe we can take this slow?" He nodded "okay (y/n), if it's what you want, it's what I want too" he smiled.

A Few Hours Later

"Well, it was fun hanging out today" Dylan said by the door way. "Yeah, I had alot of fun too" i smiled. "Maybe tomorrow I can give you the tour" I said winking to him. "Most definitely" Dylan said before walking away. I shut the door. "Damn, I miss Finn so much"

One Month Later

I got ready for bed. I got in the shower, and thought, and thought, and thought. I finally got out, and got dressed into my sleeping clothes. Dylan and I decided it would be best to just be friends. I mean yeah, he was good looking, but my heart belonged to Finn's.

A Month Ago

I sighed as Dylan and I walked on the pier. "So this is the end of the tour" I said forcing a smile. I had taken Dylan to me and Finn's favorite spots. "(Y/N), I know you still have feelings for Finn" He looked a little bum. "You-you do?" I said shocked. "Well yeah, I see you look at him, and how sad you are. Just go get him (Y/N). Listen, we can be friends. Best friends." Dylan said smiling. I pulled him into a hug. I whispered "Thanks for always being there Dyl"

End of Flashback

I climbed into my bed, and under the blanket

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I climbed into my bed, and under the blanket. I closed my eyes. I couldn't sleep. I sighed and got up. I walked over to Finn's bed. He was on his phone. "Uhm, hey Finn, can I sleep with you tonight?" I was so nervous. It's been forever since I talked to him. He looked at me confused, but he smiled. That perfect smile that made me weak. "Yeah, sure." I smiled at Finn, and crawled into bed with him. I cuddled next to him. This brought so many memories back. "I've missed this, so much" I said quietly. Finn rubbed the back of my head. "Me too (y/n), me too" and with that i drifted off to sleep


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