Swimming Vibes

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I woke up to Finn sprawled out on top of me. I smiled at him. I groaned as I pushed him off of me. He fell of the bed which caused me to laugh.

"What the hell (y/n)" Finn said while getting up from the floor. "It was time to get up" I said walking over to the curtains. I opened them, and the bright sunlight flooded in. "Ouch, my eyes" Finn said dramatically.

"Well since we have a suite, we don't have to go to the lobby and eat. I'll cook us some breakfast" I said sliding one of Finn's shirts over my head. It was big, but comfy. It smelt just like him.

I played some relaxing music in the background as I cooked. Finn danced to the music. "You're an idiot Finn Wolfhard" I said flipping a pancake. He came over to me and took my hand. "Dance with me" he said with a warm smile. I rolled my eyes, as he spun me. I reached over Finn and threw some chocolate chips into the pancake. "Ahhh" Finn said with his mouth open. I smiled and put a chocolate chip in his mouth.

"Finn, I have to cook" I said as he attacked me with kisses all over my face. I pushed him away, and returned to cooking. I put some bacon in the skillet. "The pancakes are done, just waiting for the bacon" I said looking at a dancing Finn. I smiled at him. He makes me so happy.

I finished cooking and sat the food down in front of Finn. He immediately dug in. "Hey, slow down" I said sitting down beside him with my plate. I started staring into space as I thought about last night.

Last Night

Our kiss got interrupted by a wave. I laughed as I surfaced. I looked over at Finn, and swam over to him. "Hey gorgeous" he said as I wrapped my hands around his neck. "Hello Mr. Wolfhard" I said with a smile. The water was warm. The setting sun had a mix of purple and pink. It was beautiful. Just like the boy in front of me. I looked into his deep brown eyes. "What?" He said with a huge smile. "Oh, sorry" I said blushing. "You're so adorable" he whispered. I placed a kiss on his salty lips. He picked me up bridal style, and ran out of the water. "Finn, put me down" I screamed playfully. He smiled, and spun me around in his arms. He put me down, which caused me to stumble a little. "Idiot" I said getting my balance back. He pulled me close to him. "I love you, forever and always" he said and quickly closed the space between us.

End of Flashback

"Earth to (y/n)" Finn said while waving a hand in front of me. "Oh, sorry"  I said coming back to reality. We both finished our breakfast.

Finn and I watched Netflix for about two hours. I decided to get ready for the day. I took a shower last night. I walked into the bathroom. I brushed down my wild hair.

"Hey, how do you feel about hitting the pool today?" I heard Finn yell. "Yeah, sure" I replied. There was no need to put make up on today. I looked through my many swim suits. I picked one out, and put it on. "It's alright" I said and walked out.

"You look good" Finn said

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"You look good" Finn said. He had grey trunks on with little pineapples everywhere. I laughed and said "you don't look half bad yourself". I smiled as I locked my arm with his. "You ready ma lady?" I smiled and replied "lead the way"

We walked outside, and the sun rays immediately warmed my skin. We found two chairs, and set up there. I started putting sunscreen on my arms and legs. I struggled with my back. "Hey Finn, can you help me?" He smiled widely and grabbed the sunscreen bottle. I laid down on the pool chair. The cold sunscreen hit my back, causing me to jump. "Hey, it's okay" Finn said laughing. I rolled my eyes. I waited for him to finish, which he takes a thousand years to do. "Finally" I said flipping around. "Hey, I don't want my girl to get sun burned" he said finally taking his shirt off.

I watch from the side as he jumps in. I giggle as he shakes his hair. "Come in (y/n), the waters great." He said smiling. His smile was contagious. I sighed and pulled off the shirt I wore over my swim suit.

I walked over to the water and felt it. It was freezing. "Uhm, Finn I don't kn-". Finn pulled me in. "How many times are you going to do that?" I said with a huff. "You know you love me" He said nudging me. I rolled my eyes "only a little".

The rest of the day, Finn and I spent swimming and drinking slushies. Making more memories. We made a few friends too.

We wrapped our towels around ourselves, and headed back to the hotel. "I am so tired" I said leaning on him in the elevator. "Can we order pizza tonight?" I said looking up at him. He smiled "sounds like a plan" he placed a gently kiss on my cheek.

 He smiled "sounds like a plan" he placed a gently kiss on my cheek

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Liked by trippie.(y/n), chosenjacobs, sadiesink_ and 493,573 others

finnwolfhardofficial living the best life, with the love of my life 💛
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trippie.(y/n) I love you my love
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