The Visit

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I woke up thirty minutes ago. I was still packing some of my things. I looked over at Finn who was still asleep. I sighed "I'm going to miss that beautiful human being." I finished packing, I was exhausted. I walked over to Finn's bed. I crawled into bed with him, getting under the blanket.

"Hey Finnie, I'm about to leave" I said poking his nose. His eyes slowly opened. "No, princess, don't leave me" he wrapped his arms around my waist.  His voice was raspy still. I smiled at him. "I have too, I'm going to be so bored with out you Finnie" I whispered before crawling out of his release. He got out of bed with me and got dressed. My mom didn't want to come with me. She didn't want to argue with him. So it was going to be my dad, his girlfriend, and me.

"I'll come with you to the airport." Finn said grabbing my bags. I sighed "I'm ready". We walked out to my car. We buckled up, and drove away. I blasted the radio, as I felt the wind through my hair.

Finn's POV

I looked over at (y/n). She was so gorgeous. She sang along with the song on the radio. Her voice was beautiful as well. I wish she didn't have to go. Atleast it's just a week. I let out a sigh, as we pulled up to the airport. I carried her bags for her. We sat around waiting for her plane to be called. It finally got called.

"I'm going to miss you Finnie. So much" she hugged me. I rubbed the back of her head. "I love you (y/n)" I whispered in her ear. "I love you too" she released. "Here, take care of the whip" she tossed the keys to me. She started heading to her plane. She turned around one more time and blew a kiss to me before entering the gate. I smiled and headed towards the car.

 I smiled and headed towards the car

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Liked by trippie.(y/n), milliebobbybrown, gatenm123 and 427,903 others

finnwolfhardofficial going to miss this beautiful girl. This picture is a throwback.
   view all 3456 comments
trippie.(y/n) I love you, I'm going to FaceTime you everyday.
unknown 1 awe
milliebobbybrown big goals
unknown 2 go live now
gatenm123 we can hang now


The plane ride was boring. So I put my music on shuffle, and thought about somethings. My dad lived in Dallas, Texas. I was kind of nervous though. What if he doesn't like me anymore. I guess I'll have to find out when I get there. I finally drifted to sleep.

I woke up to someone shaking me. "Finn, stop" I said laughing. I opened my eyes, and the flight attendant looked confused. "We're here darling" she said to me before walking off. I sighed and headed off the plane. I called an uber to get me. While I waited, I grabbed my things and sat in a chair. I pulled out my phone and decided to text Finn

(Y/N): Finnie, ya girl made it safetly
My whole 💛: Yay, I already miss you
(Y/N): I miss you too, this week better go by fast. Well my uber is here, I'll FaceTime you tonight. I love you
My whole 💛: I love you more

I got my things, and got into the uber. I told the driver the address, and we took off. It was a good ten minute drive, so I had time to think. I haven't seen my dad in a good five years.

We pulled up at my dad's apartment. I payed for the uber, and got out. I walked up the stairs. I got to his room number. "Here goes nothing" I said, and knocked. I waited a while, and then I finally heard footsteps.

I tall dark headed man opened the door. "Dad?" I said nervously. "(Y/N!)" My dad said before pulling me into a big hug. "I've missed you sweetie" I hugged him awkwardly. "Well, come in" he said smiling. I walked in, and he showed me to the room I was staying in.

After I had got done unpacking, I went into the living room. My dad, and his girlfriend were there. "Hey dad, I'm going to go explore, okay?" He looked at me and nodded.

As I was walking someone bumped into me, causing me to fall. "Oh my god, i am so sorry" I heard a voice of panic, but it was a guys voice. "Here let me help you up." He offered me his hand and I accepted. "Thanks" I said nervously, i could tell I was blushing. "Well, my name is Dylan" he said smiling. His blue eyes shined in the sun setting rays. He had dark brown hair, and he was pretty tall. "I'm (y/n)." We shook hands. "So, I've never seen you around, where are you from?" Dylan asked. "I'm from Cali, I'm visting my dad." His eyes went big. "I'm moving to California, in a week." I smiled at him. "Well, why don't we get to know each other, maybe you can show me around?" I asked shyly. "Well of course, let's go."

After a little bit of roaming around, and laughing, I looked at my phone. It was 10:43 PM. "Shit uhm, I have to get home" I said quickly "wait what's your number?" I quickly spat it out. "Well, bye Dylan. Thanks for showing me around" I yelled and started running down the street.

I finally approached my dad's apartment, and I ran up the stairs. I hustled into the house. "Where the hell have you been?" My dad shouted. "Uhm, out" I said nervously. He walked up to me, and before I knew it, i was on the ground. My cheek was stinging badly. "What the fuck dad!" I said before getting up and running into my room. I locked it and slid down. "What the fuck, did he just hit me?' I wiped away my tears. I got in the shower. Rinsing away the memories that happened today. When I thought about Dylan, I smiled. He was so welcoming. I finished my shower, and but on my sleeping shorts and my bra. I got into bed. I decided to FaceTime Finn.

ringing ringing ringing.....

Finn: hello princess
(Y/N): Finnie, my sweet boy!
For thirty minutes we talked about random shit. His laugh was so cute, and I missed him so much.
Finn: hey, what is that on your cheek?
I guess it already started to bruise, I didn't want to tell him. He would be so worried
(Y/N): Oh this, I was messing with make up earlier. Well I have to go to bed before my dad gets mad. Goodnight Finnie, I love you.
Finn: Goodnight baby, I love you too.

Two Days Later

"(Y/N) get your ass out of bed" I heard my dad yell. He's been hitting me, and I dont know how much more I can take. I hang out with Dylan alot, to get my mind off things. I walked down stairs, afraid of what was going to happen. "It took you long enough. I called for you five minutes ago" he walked up to me. He hit my arm, causing me to fall, and hit my head. I got up and ran out the front door. I called Dylan.

"Can you come get me" I said holding back my tears. "Of course (y/n) I'll be there in a second." I hung up. I waited patiently for Dylan. He finally pulled up. I got in. "Hey what's wrong?" He said asking kindly. "Uhm, it's just family problems, i think I'm going home tomorrow." I said, and a tear slipped from my eyes. "Hey, don't worry, everything will work out" he pulled me into a hug. "Thanks, now can we go somewhere" he nodded and we drove away.

Later That Night

I walked into the house. "With your little boyfriend, weren't you?" My dad said getting up from the table. "He's not my boyfriend." I fired back. "What the hell did you just say?" He walked up and grabbed me by the wrists "don't you ever talk back to me" he said before throwing me to the ground. I got up and went to my room. I grabbed my blade, and left little cuts. I sighed and decided to call it a night.

Finn's POV

I waited for my call from (y/n). I was getting worried, she usually calls me. I heard a tap at my window. I went over to open it. "Hey Finnie, you miss me?" It was Jessica. I rolled my eyes "what do you want?" She smirked. "I know  (y/n) isn't here, so" she said before pushing me onto the bed and crawling on top of me. "Get off of me" I said, but she wouldn't let go of me. She started leaving kisses on my neck. She came back to my lips. She kissed me sloppily. Well, shit. Ain't no going back now.


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