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I smiled at the boy who held me tighter than ever as I rubbed my tired eyes. The sun rays that flooded in through the curtains made his hair look golden. He had stayed by my side all night. I crawled out from under his arms, and got out of bed. I walked over to the sliding glass doors. I walked out onto the balcony. It was kind of chilly, because of the slight breeze. "The rising sun is... 

"Perfect" Finn whispered while wrapping a blanket around me. I jumped a little. "Oh, sorry if I startled you love" Finn said with a slight chuckle. I smiled, and continued looking at the view. Finn hugged me from behind. Setting his chin on my head. He placed a gently kiss on my head.

"So what's the plan for today?" I asked, breaking the comfortable silence. "Hmmm, maybe go exploring, and maybe go swimming at the beach" he said. I nodded and turned to face him. I tip toed and started leaning up to him. Finn quickly closed the space. I twirled one of his bed head curls. We pulled away both blushing messes. I giggled and ran inside.

I was preparing the batter for our pancakes. Finn was being awfully affectionate today. "Heeeey sweetie" Finn said coming up behind me. I rolled my eyes playfully. He turned me around. "Can I have a kiss my dearest" He said grinning. I laughed and said "why not". He leaned in and I pushed his head away with my flour covered hands. His face had flour on it now. I bursted into laughter. "You're going to regret that (Y/L/N)" Finn said smirking. "Shit" I muttered before sprinting away.

"Get back here" I heard Finn say as I ran into the living room. Finn wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt my feet lift of the ground. He started twirling me. "Ahh Finn stop" I laughed out. He set me on the couch, crawling on top of me. He pinned my hands above me with one of his hands. The other one started tickling me. "Oh no, Finn no" i said squealing. I kicked my feet. "Why are you so childish" I laughed out.

Finn smirked, and placed a kiss on lips. I placed a gently hand on his cheek. He pulled away "see it wasn't that hard." Finn said looking into my eyes, smiling. "You have flour on your cheek now" I said laughing. He smiled and mumbled "awe you're so adorable".

Finn kept kissing my face. I couldn't really do anything since he was on top of me. "I'm just trying to cook" I said whining. "I know what will make you happy" Finn said smirking. He started placing gently kisses on my jawline. He slowly made his way to my neck. He whispered something, and it instantly sent chills down my neck and to my spine. He bit and sucked everywhere, except my sweet spot. "fucking tease" i whispered. Finn looked up at me. "What? I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you." I rolled my eyes at his smart comment. He finally bit my sweet spot, causing me to gasp. He bit, licked, and sucked. I moaned softly, wrapping my legs around him. My hands on the back of his neck. His hand trailed the side of my thigh. I gripped the back of his neck, probably  leaving scratches. Finn pulled on the top of my panties.

I pushed him off. "I know what you are trying to do, and it's not happening" I said laughing. Finn sighed. "Now, go shower up flour boy" I said observing all the floor on his neck and in his hair.

Time Skip

After Finn and I finished eating, I decided to get ready. I looked over my outfits. I picked one and went to the bathroom. I brushed my hair out. I brushed my teeth. I put a little make up on, but not alot. I put on my swim suit, and put my clothes over it. I smiled at myself, and walked out.

 I smiled at myself, and walked out

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My New Life {Finn Wolfhard x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now