Modern AU Neko!ReaderxHuman!Eren

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February 25th Sunday
Author's POV:

Eren was walking down the busy and loud street of Rose. He worked at a leading business dealing with weapons for the military. He sighed. "Man. What does a guy need to do to get a holiday?" He said while rubbing the back of his head tiredly.

"Huh!" He said startled by the sudden noise from the dark and mysterious alley way between two high rise buildings.

He walked into the alley way and saw a (hair colour) cat. She was shivering. Eren bend down onto his knees carefully. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." He said in a small but comforting voice. He cracked a small smile. The (hair colour) cat came out from the old brown box.

(Name)'s POV:

I walked out from the old and smelly box and saw a guy with deep forest green eyes, brown hair and tanned skin smiling and bending down holding his hand out, in a calming and welcoming gesture.

'If only I could talk to him.' I thought. "Can I pick you up?" He said. I nodded. I sniffed his hand and purred in satisfaction. He picked me up and we headed for his home. We arrived after a short while and he unlocked the door, careful not to drop me on the hard wooden floor boards.

"Okay, this is your new home..." he trailed off. A bright shine came from my neck an he looked down to see a (favourite colour) collar with a golden bell and a white name tag.

"(Name)." He said. "Well, this is your new home (name). Go and explore while I go and make us some dinner." He said. I nodded and walked off towards the stairs and climbed up them. I heard humming from the kitchen and I walked into a spare bedroom.

After a while of searching around I walked into a room. It had a black queen sized bed with red sheets in the middle of the room, under the window was a chest of drawers with white curtains, two other doors, one leads to his closet and the other his bathroom.

He had a desk with paperwork and a computer, a few bookshelf's full of books and movies. On the walls were a few posters from some anime's. One caught her eye. 'Attack On Titan... hey, he likes the same anime as me.' I thought. I walked out of his room and walked well more like ran downstairs into the kitchen.

Eren turned around with two plates, one for me which has tuna and his with steak and chips. "Here you go (Name. Enjoy!" He said with a smile. I sat down and ate.

~time skip.
After dinner.
Author's POV:~

Eren and (Name) finished having dinner. She hoped off the table and walked around more. Eren washes the dishes and walked into his room and got changed into his clothes.

"(Name), wanna watch some anime?" He said. I nodded and he grabbed his laptop and I jumped onto his bed. He sat back down and turned it on and put SnK (Shingeki No Kyojin. That's what it means just for those who didn't know what it meant.).

The theme song placed and he sang along while you tried to, but meows came out. He laughed. After a while, it's now 9pm. (Name) looked up and saw him fast asleep with the bedroom light still on.

"Now would be a good time to turn." (Name) said. She got off the bed and landed onto the ground. She glowed for a second and she was a fully clothed human. She walked over to the light switch and turned it off. "Night Eren. I'll explain why there is a human girl in your house." (Name) said.

She pulled the covers over the both of them and fell asleep.

~time skip.
Morning at 10:00am
Eren's POV:~

I woke up to see I'm hugging a girl. 'Wait... what?' I thought. She stirred and woke up. "Umm... who are you and why are you in my bed?" I said. She turned around.

"I'm sorry. Im (Name). Your cat. Im a neko." She said quietly. She had tears starting to form at her eyes. "No no no no. Please don't cry." I said worridly.

She wiped away her tears. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you before. I was afraid you would throw me back into that brown box again." She said quietly. 'She must've had it ruff..' I thought sadly.

"Trust me, I won't do that." I said. She blushed. "Umm.. I have something to say." We both said.

"You first."
"No you."
"Okay Fine I'll go."

I took a deep breathe in. "(Name) I love you so much..." I said quietly. I closed my eyes, waiting for the feeling and emotion of sadness and rejection to come. But it never did. Except, I felt something warm on my lips.

I opened my eyes and saw (Name) kissing me. I was shocked at first, then closed my eyes again and slowly kissed back. Then it turned more heated and next thing we knew... clothes were thrown.
I'm doing this for my bestest friend who is like a sister to me. MiekeYpelaan .

Hoped ya enjoyed reading this one-shot sis!! Hehe!!

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