First kiss

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(Enjoy that photo. Legit I'm doing that with meh friend. MiekeYpelaan on our next sleepover prepare to do this. Lmao. Let's get started!)

Let's see...
Your first day of training. Commander Shadis yelling and spitting saliva all over the new recruits faces. He walked up to you. "YOU!! MAGGOT!! WHATS YOUR NAME PEST!?!" He yelled. "CADET (Name) (last name) HERE TO JOIN THE (whatever military branch of your choice) TO DEFEAT AND KILL THE TITANS AND RECLAIM OUR LOST TERRITORY!!" You yelled back.

His face held surprise from your answer. What you didn't notice was a certain brunette starring at you in awe. "Ahem! Well then..." he said and continued on.

~time skip during dinner~

Jean and Eren. Making ruckus again. Like usual.
"Guys please be quiet." You said.

Jean smirked and pushed Eren into you. Both held shock and you falling back wards onto the hard wooden floor of the mess. "I'm so sorry (Name)!" Eren said getting up holding his hand out for you.

You took it. You smiled. And that's your first kiss.

(These from now on our gonna be small and short, but cute and romantic.)

Kinda simple. He dropped his book making a loud bang in the small silent library of the Survey Corps. You bend down to pick it up for him since your next to him helping to chose a new book.

After bending back up again only to kiss him. (Awww~~~ *dead*)

Cleaning cleaning cleaning. Him slipping over, you turning around and bam! You kissed. You were still kissing when you fell with him only for him to stop the fall.

Attack On Titan preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now