When you have a phobia and he sees you having a panic attack from it

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Since you have a phobia of thunder, Astraphobia, he trys his hardest to keep you calm and quiet during a storm. But this month, was the worst month on record. A severe thunderstorm that caused a tornado (Dont think that can happen..), with heavy rainfall and strong winds made you and Eren, retreat to your basement.

You screaming and crying from the thunder and harsh winds. "It's going to be okay." Eren whispered in your ear. He grabbed his earphones out and put them in your ears. He put on (fave song) from (fave band) on. You started to calm down and eventually slept through the storm.

You have a fear of lizards (I have that fear in reality and it ain't pretty. I have a severe case of it. I can not go near a place with lizards or I'll either faint, panic attack or have a heart attack.), Herpetophobia.

You and Levi were walking through the park at nighttime. You started to look at the stars zoning out the world. You quickly got brought back to life by something crawling up your right leg. You looked down and saw a lizard.

You quickly let go of Levi's hand and screamed bloody murder while shaking your leg. He turned as soon as you screamed and ripped it off and through it into a near by bush. You quickly jumped onto Levi's back and you both headed home.

You both have the fear of Volcanophobia. Doesn't help that you live near Mt. Fuji. A active volcano but is currently dormant.

Everyday and night you dream of it erupting. Armin keeps you calm. Until one day, there is a report on the news about a volcano erupting near Tokyo, Japan. Scientists believe it could make Mt.Fuji erupt.

But it never did. You and Armin moved to another country for a better lifestyle and to get rid of your phobia. You moved to the UK, in the countryside. Enjoying going horse back riding and many more things.

Seiesmophobia. The fear of earthquakes. You line in the "Ring Of Fire". Famous for being active with so many earthquakes and volcanoes erupting every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade, century and millennium.

You live in Hawaii, somewhere either in the middle or to one of the sides of the ring. A volcano near by erupted and triggered a earthquake. Marco knowing of your phobia, quickly packed everything, and packed the car.

He picked you up and drove off to a safer area of the island.

Yeah, you are dating a horse like human but you have the fear of horses, Hippopophobia. It's a psychologically proven fear.

Yeah you scream at a horse near by you. But to make him annoyed and irritated at you, you scream when he walks in. He gets ticked off and that leads to something else... (let your mind do the rest).

(I have no clue who on earth would have this fear. But no offence but kittens are cute!! Onto Erwin's part with his magestical eyebrows.)

He knows of your fear ever since you got Attack by a kitten. That fear is called Ailurophobia. You got attacked by a cat four years ago. You got scratched on your left eye, so you can't see out of it.

You got scars on your arms and a long scar on your right side of your face starting at your right temple to your right cheek. It hurt and made you scarred for life.

If you see a cat or kitten in the streets, you'll jump onto Erwin's back and stay there, or until you get back to HQ's gates.

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