Cheater!LevixSick!Reader - why!?!

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Author's POV:

(Name) was driving down the busy streets to work. She works at a photography and editing company called Rose. There she met her husband of 7 years.

She was so happy and cheerful. Her life was so horrible when she was a little girl. Full of hatred and abuse. She went to this company and made many friends and met Levi. The CEO of Rose.

They dated and eventually got married. They've been happy. Until one day, (Name)'s world got turned upside down again.

(Name)'s POV:

I walked into the front doors of Rose. There I saw Armin, Eren and Mikasa talking about something. "Hey guys!" I said and waved. My bright (eye colour) are full and have lost emotion. They turned around and gasped.

"(Name)! What's wrong?" Eren said concerned. 'Typical Eren. Always protective.' I thought. "Levi... he... he.. cheated on me.." I said while sobbing and hiccuping. Armin was the first to give me a hug then Eren and Mikasa gave me a bone crushing bear hug.

"With who?" Mikasa said darkly. "With Petra." I said. "Eren. Time to plan a funeral and a murder." She said. He chuckled evily and they both left before I could say anything else.

"I'm heading to my office. Need anything I'll be there." I said to Armin and he nodded and walked off. I walked to the elevators and walked in. Pressed the floor 59 button and waited for it to ding.


The doors opened and I walked out. I was walking past doors when I saw Levi's door open and kissing Petra. The next thing hurt me. "(Name) will never be this good." He said. I cried even more and knocked over a china vase with red and white roses in the hallway.

That got their attention and Levi walked out of the room to see me walking past with blood trickling down my arm. Lots of blood. "(Name)! Go to the hospital! I don't need your disgusting blood everywhere!" He yelled at me. That caught everyone's attention. Even Chloe's.

I felt a warm but soft hand on my right shoulder and looked back behind me. Chloe. You see, Chloe isn't exactly human. She's a fully bred demon who will kill anyone who hurts someone close to her.

"Chloe. Kill." I said softly while pointing to Levi.

Chloe's POV:

"Perfect." I said in a demonic voice. "Time to get rid of some trash." I finished. All of the workers here know about my secret. Cause a lot of them are demons like me.

Levi looked at me with pure horror. I smiled evily as well as someone else besides me. Eren and Mikasa.

"Ready?" I said. "Ready." They said. We ran at Levi and kept on punching him constantly over and over again. (Name) was repeating why over and over again.

"Why!?! Why did you cheat on me Levi!?! I was your wife for heavens sake. And you go and throw that away." (Name) yelled. People gasped all around us and we continued to beat him up to a bloody pulp. Until a whore and slut walked out. Petra Ral.

"Levi!" Petra said while running to him in shock. He looked at her with love and disgust at the same time.

Eren walked over to Petra and bitch slapped that slut in the face. She flinched and flew to the floor. We stood up and left the building and took (Name) with us to the hospital.

We arrived shortly after a few minutes and we walked into the ER. (Name) was getting paler and paler by the minute. The nurse looked up and gasped. She quickly called doctors here to get (Name) blood fusions and stitches.

(Name)'s POV:

I'm in the hospital. Funny. How I don't remember a thing. I can't feel a thing. My heart is broken. I was going to tell Levi that I was slowly dying from a more deadly heart disease. "Mr Jeager, Miss Ackerman and Miss Zowa. We have some grave news." A doctor said.

Then this shocked me. "Your friends is quickly dying from a deadly and slightly rare heart disease." He finished. I was, dying. And quickly.

The door opened and I opened my eyes to see Eren, Mikasa and Chloe standing there crying. I smiled in pain. I opened my mouth and began to talk. "If.... I die... tell... everyone that... I love them... all." I said in pain while breathing shallowly.

I took a deep and shaky breathe. "If I die young burry me in satin lay me down on a bed of roses, sink me in the river at dawn send me away with the words of a love song~." I sang. They cried.

"We will. We will tell everyone." They said. "Thank you... I love you... all..." I said and my breathe stopped as well as my heart beat. Doctors came in and wrote down the date and death.

Author's POV:

Eren, Mikasa and Chloe arrived at the building again. The workers were in the lobby, even Levi and Petra. Sasha ran up to us. "Where is she!?!" She yelled. Chloe collapsed onto her knees and started to cry.

The doors opened and a nice and warm breeze blew in. A ghostly figure stood behind Eren. "Eren, begins you." Mikasa said. He turned around and saw (Name)'s ghost standing there.

He collapsed onto his knees and cried. The next thing shocked them. Two figures appeared behind her. Their parents. "Please don't morn over us Eren." His mother, Carla, said. Their parents died from a serious car crash which they both were in. They survived but (Name) has to have therapy.

"Guys. I died from not only a broken heart but I kept something from you." She said while tears were streaming down. Like in a movie or anime when the character says something and it's silent and only the mouth moves, it's like that.

"I had a deadly but nearly rare heart disease and quickly died in the hospital." She said. The silence disappeared and Grisha and Carla disappeared. Sasha cried and tried to hug (Name) but fell through.
"I'm sorry for leaving you Sasha. I'll see you all in the next life." (Name) said and she slowly disappeared.

The last thing they heard before she slowly disappeared made them cry. "Please don't forget me. Eren and Mikasa. If I die young burry me in station lay me down on a bed of roses, sink in river at dawn." Her voice getting softer.

"Send me away with the words of a love song." She said while crying and fully disappeared. "I love you all." She said and the wind was the only reminder of her soul being there.

A few days later, a funeral service was made. Her grave stood next to Carla and Grisha's grave stone.

It read.

Here lies (Name) Jeager
Died from heart disease and broken heart.
You will be missed forever.
"Never give up on your dreams. Follow them until the bitter end."

And that bitter end. Was sad and painful.
Please don't kill me. I know a few people like Petra and hate Petra. I kinda hate and like her which is confusing.

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