Cheater!Levi x Sick! Reader

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Author's POV:

The door to (Name) and Levi's house slammed open. Levi walked in looking tired and annoyed. (Name) pocked her head out from the kitchen entrance. "Hey Levi. How's wo-". (Name) got cut off. "It was fine. I'm heading to bed." Levi snapped. (Name) winced and clutched her chest tightly.

'I'll tell him later.' (Name) thought. She took the lid off and stirred the soup and sighed heavily. "At this rate the medicine won't work." (Name) whispered to herself. Once the stew was done she poured it into a container and placed it into the fridge for lunch tomorrow.

(Name) went up the stairs into their shared room, hoped into bed and fell asleep.

~time skip week later,
(Name)'s POV:~

Levi hasn't been home for the past week. I grabbed my phone out and called my two besties, almost like sisters. Hanji and Sasha.

"Hey Hanji and Sasha can you come over now please?"
"Sure what happened?"
"Nothing. Levi's been missing for the past week."
"Um... (Name)... turn the TV on onto the news channel."

"Okay. Which channel number?"

I turned the TV which was already on channel 75. "There has been rumours going around that the famous Levi Ackerman is dating Petra Ral. They've been caught kissing and walking in the streets of Rose and Sina." The reporter said.

'I can't believe this. Why would Levi do this to me?' I thought sadly.

"We're so sorry (Name). Stay strong. We're at your door so grab your keys and let's go to the docs."
"Okay." And I hanged up. I grabbed my house keys, turned the TV off and walked out the house, of course without forgetting to lock it.

Hanji and Sasha waved at my from their car. I waved back. "Let's go. We'll drop you off then we need to feed this human." Hanji said jokingly. Sasha pouted. I laughed. After several minutes of laughing and chatting about random stuff, we finally arrived at the doctor's office.

I got out of the car and looked at the cloudy sky and back to them. "Thanks for dropping me off you guys." I said they nodded and drove off. I walked inside and my doctor saw me and walked to his office. He closed the door.

"Ms (Last Name), it seems that this cancer is getting worse by the minute. Have you been under a tree lately?" He asked. I nodded. "My fiancée cheated on me and keeps trash talking me." I said. He hummed. "This isn't good." He said.

"What isn't?" I asked. He hesitated. "I'm sorry to say this but. You have less than a week left of living." He said. My eyes widened in shock. I nodded and walked out. I payed and started to walked home. People were under umbrellas while I was being soaked to the bone.

I walked past Maria Fancy Restaurant and saw Levi and Petra having a romantic lunch. I sighed and continued to walk. I finally arrived home, opened the door stepped in the warm house and slammed the door behind me.

A meow greeted me. "Hey Charcoal. How's it going girl?" I said scratching her ear. She meowed and followed me up the stairs and into the bathroom. I grabbed some grey sweat pants and a loose black jumper.

I turned the hot water on, stripped and hoped in with the glass door closing behind me. I opened the lavender scented shampoo and squeezed into my hand and started to massage it into my hair. Once that was done I rinsed it out and started to wash my body.

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