When you accidently turn him on - Levi

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Author's POV:

(Name) woke up to see two familiar people holding something of hers.

Her shirt she wears with her uniform. "Come and get it (Name)!" Sasha yelled. You growled. "Sasha. You have to count to three, before I steal your food stash." You say threateningly. She smiled and ran off with Connie.

You sighed deeply and quickly put a shirt on. You not knowing it was a see through white singlet. "Think she's gone?" Connie asked Sasha.

"Doubt it." She said. They looked back and saw you with the devils face and quickened their pace. You saw where they were heading but didn't care about your surrounding. More about getting your beloved shirt back.

"SASHA! CONNIE! GET YOUR ASSES BACK HERE NOW!!" A very pissed off you yelled in the distance. They ran quicker and the doors to the training rounds slammed open, to reveal, Sasha and Connie scared shitless holding a (fave colour) shirt with you running behind them.

Levi's POV:

I was talking to shitty glasses about the upcoming expedition in three days time. "Who's going with who shorty?" She said.

"You are with Eyebrows and (Name) with me and my squad." I said. She smirked. All of a sudden the doors slammed open to see two brats scared out of their minds holding, (Name)'s shirt?

I turned back to Hanji to continue talking. I got rudely interrupted. "GET BACK HERE YOU SNITCHES!!!" A familiar voice yelled. I turned around and saw (Name) running to catch up to the brats. Her shirt see through, so I blushed and felt. Different down their.

"Shorty. Someone's gonna be jealous soon~." Shitty glasses sang. I turned around and saw almost every male cadets face in a red colour from looking at (name).

Shitty glasses smirking behind me while giggling micheviously (think that's how you spell it.... oh well). She turned around and her chest bounced with the sudden movement. A few male cadets fainted while some had nose bleeds.

I felt warm liquid running down from my nose. "Guess someone is excited~." Shitty glasses sang happily. And before I knew it. I fainted.

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