Drunk!ArminxReader - a night to remember

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Just a quick note. Like I said in the author's note about another lemon, he's going to be OOC. If you feel uncomfortable with lemons at all, don't read this.

If your under 13, click or tap away now. You'll forever be scarred.

Warning: mature content, possibly extreme sexual scene. Enjoy!
Author's POV:

(Name) was heading to a strip club with her friends, Armin, Eren, Jean, Mikasa, Marco, Connie, Sasha, Ymir, Krista, Reiner, Bertl, Annie, (best friends name) and Mari. "Who's excited!!?" Sasha yelled and asked. "Me!" Everyone said happily.

They arrived and walked into the club before showing their IDS. "Follow me. We have a room for us reserved." Ymir smirked. Upstairs, around corners and into a red doored room. Everyone pilled in and sat in a circle. Since there wasn't enough space, Krista sat on Ymir's lap.

"Okay. Any suggestions?" Connie asked.

Jean: seven minutes in heaven
Eren: truth or dare
Armin: truth or dare
Marco: truth or dare
Bertl: truth or dare
Reiner and Ymir: seven minutes in heaven
Sasha, Mikasa and Annie: seven minutes in heaven

"Okay. Let's play seven minutes in heaven, since that got six votes and four for truth or dare." Connie said. Some groaned (Eren, Marco, Armin and Bertl) while the others either smirked or chuckled. "Put your name in the hat with something and then go into the closet and have fun." Connie said. "But were changing it to 50 minutes in heaven." Sasha said evily.

Looking at Armin and (Name) mischievously. They all placed something of theirs in the hat and Sasha called out a name. "(Name) with..." She said. "Armin!" Connie yelled. The said two blushed and walked off towards the closet. Which is really tight.

"So... what do you want to do?" (Name) asked hesitantly. Armin looked up and stared at (Name). (By the way. They all drank and he became drunk). He stood closer to (Name). "(Name)~ your so beautiful~." He said seductively. You blushed and backed away as much as possible. He pinned you against the wall and before you could register what's happening, he kissed you.

Your eyes widened in shock, and started kissing back. His tongue dragged across your bottom lip. You smirked and didn't grant enterance. He growled and squeezed your butt. You gasped and he darted his tongue into your mouth.

Both battling for dominance and he won. You both pulled apart breathless. "Armin... are you sure..?" (Name) asked. He nodded and started kissing your neck down to your collar bone leaving hickeys here and there.

He pulled your shirt and pants off leaving you in your bra and panties. His hand travelled to your ass and your thigh telling you to jump. You did and your legs wrapped themselves around his waist. He took your panties off while you took off his pants and boxers. He looked up. "Are you ready?" He asked.

You nodded and he inserted himself fully. You cried in pain and gripped his shoulders. He kissed you and started to grind against you. You grinded against him. He pulled out and slammed back in again and again. You both moaning messes. "Armin... I'm gonna..." you started. "Me too..." you both cummed. He pulled out and you slammed him agains the ground.

Sitting on his waist, your enterance on his hips. You slowly grinded in on him, turning him on. He growled and picked you up and sat you on his friend. You thrusted your hips forward and repeated. He sat up and hugged your waist helping you go quicker.

Grinding, jumping, thrusting over and over again. Slapping off skin contact, moans and grunts and their pants could be heard in the closet. You threw your head back in pleasure and lifted your hips up and slammed back down onto him.

He lifted your right leg up and over his shoulder. You both grinded in each other. Both becoming moaning messes. But what you didn't know was that everyone left the room after a single string of moans was heard. "(Name), your so good~." He moaned. You started slowly grinding on him. Up and down, side to side, back and forth, and in circular motion.

He started to kiss you again and did a make out session. He pulled out and placed you on your it stomach and thrusted into your butt. You both moaned. Since your arms couldn't take it, you fell forward while he was still thrusting away, you both moaned. He eventually cummed with you following suit and pulled out.

Both breathless and tired. He pulled you close. "I love you. (Name)." He said. "Are you drunk still?" You asked. "No. I was sober when you started riding me." He said. "I love you too Armin." You said while smiling.

"(Name) will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Yes." You said. He kissed you and you before you fell asleep. "I want more of you. (Name)." He said seductively. You nodded and fell asleep with him following suit.

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