Demon! Reader x AOT charactersAU (with my oc)

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(Its author's POV throughout this chapter. This is what you look like bellow this note with my OC.)

(That's you)

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(That's you)

(This whole image is Chloe

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(This whole image is Chloe.)

There's a new demon clan in town. Blood Clan. Demons who suck the living day lights out of innocent humans, either killing them or making them slaves.

The new chiefs daughters, (Name) Okunama and Chloe Okunama. Both look beautiful. (Name)'s blood red hair rivals blood itself, black eyes like the night sky, her "makeup" to humans is what they call it, but that's her natural look. Every demon has a look. A revealing sexy outfit fit for a warrior to wear.

Chloe's pure white hair, very unusual for demons to have, white eyes, pale skin like snow, white shoes, black marks around her eyes, a metal like chain from her crown seperating into sections stopping at the middle of her eyebrows and a grey dress with a katana. One her mother gave her.

Let's see where they are.

Teleporting to the destination of (Name) and Chloe.

"Chloe. Let's go." (Name) said softly. You see (Name) isn't confident talking to people, yet she is to other fellow demons. A deep voice came from the said female. "Fine. But you need to toughen up and talk to people." Chloe said. Her voice is deep like some woman have.

(Name) sighs deeply. "You know I can't Chloe." You said. "You can. You just chose not to." Chloe said. Chloe walked on a head. Her white hair ties in a tight ponytail swinging in the warm spring breeze. 'Why. Why can't I be like my sister?.' You thought walking with Chloe at her left side. 'Why can't I be strong physically and mentally.' You finished your thought.

A group of 10 guys walked up to the sisters. "Hi my names Eren Jeager. We were wondering if you'd like to join us and our other friends at the pool sometime?" Eren asked. "Umm.. I um.." you said hesitantly.

Chloe sighed. "We will join. Only if you tell us and show us your friends." Chloe asked. It more sounded like a command instead of a question. The two toned haired guy sighed. "There are 8 girls. Their names are Sasha Blouse, Christa Lens, Ymir, Annie Leonheart, Mikasa Ackerman, Lillianna and Sophia." The toned guys said.

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