How you met

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A/U: so so so sorry for the really late update, it's like what, 2-4 months late? I don't even know.

Anyways, I'll try to update again as much as possible. I've been busy with exams and tests coming up and studying for it.


You and your best friend, B/F/N, were just casually walking down the corridors in the Survey Corps HQ just chatting away.

"Hey y/n, did you here?" B/f/n asked
"There is a new scout coming here later today. I heard he is a Year younger than us." She said.
'I wonder who he or she might be like?' You thought.

~the next day~

The doors to the HQ opened and the Special Operations Squad walked in with the new scout. You turned your head to the doors and caught his attention. He looked over at you and smiled. He mouth: 'I'm eren'

You mouthed back: 'I'm y/n'

And with that he walked off to the basement.

You were heading to the library that HQ has. You opened the doors and walked in finding another novel to read. You walked into the romance section and found your perfect book almost instantly.

"Almost got it.." you said bitting your lip while standing on your tippy toes trying to reach it. You finally did but squeaked as you fell backwards. You closed your eyes waiting for the impacted, but it never came, instead two warm pair of arms wrapped around your torso holding you.

You got back up again and turned around. "I'm so sorry, I should've been more carefully." You said embarrassed. The guy chuckled. "It's okay. My name is Armin Arlert." Armin said. "Hi Armin, I'm y/n l/n." You said with a smile. He blushed and you both eventually started talking about books.

You "accidentally" made a mess of the kitchen with Connie(Conny) and Sasha. You three giggled and quickly ran off into the hallways. "That was fun!" Sasha yelled.

"Yeah it was." You said almost laughing. You see, you, Connie(Conny) and Sasha have been friends since you first saw each other in the Training Corps. You started to talk and quickly hit a friendship off with the potato loving girl and the prankster.

Loud footsteps could be heard coming from behind them. "Springer! Blouse(think that her last name I can't remember anymore)! Y/L/N! My office. Now!" The short Corporal said sternly.

You ran to his office all freaked out. You made it last and walked in. "Sit." He said. You closed the door and sat between, Sasha and Connie(Conny). "Do you know why I call you three here?" He asked.

You all shook your head as a no. He sighed. "Someone. Made a mess of the kitchen. Now, tell me. Who made that mess. Hm?" He asked. 'I don't want them in trouble. It was my plan.' You thought. You lifted your hand up.

"I'm sorry Sasha and Connie(Conny), I don't want you both in trouble." You mumbled. They heard and hugged you. "So it was you cadet y/l/n?" He asked.
"Yes sir." You said looking down. "Springer, Blouse. Go to the mess hall for lunch." He said. They nodded and left.

"I'm not gonna punish you cadet." He said looking away slightly blushing. You looked up surprised. "But... why?" You asked confused. "Cause I like you..." he mumbled under his breath. You blushed.

"Your free to go cadet. And next time you make a mess." He looked up and smirked. "Your gonna be punished." He finished while smirking still. "Yes sir!" You squeaked Out and quickly ran off.

(It was part of when you first met Levi. Except you didn't stay in his office Sasha did.)

Plain and simple. In the mess hall with your childhood friends, Armin, Mikasa and Eren. Eren and Jean, fighting again like usual, you stopped the fight and caught Jean's attention.

Mikasa, Eren and Armin walked out and stood at the stairs looking at the door waiting for you to come out. Jean pulled you back. He started to blush like a tomato. "Hey.... um... what's you name?" He asked nervously. You smiled a bit. "Y/n." Was all you said and walked to your three friends.

(Pretend he never dies in this and that you saved him. This is gonna spoil a episode. So if you haven't watched the anime up to this episode. Skip Marco's until you've seen it. Or read ahead past this bracket if you have. One swear word. Anyways. Enjoy!)

You saw Annie, Reiner and Bertl standing on a house as a titan was closing in on Marco. "OI! ASSHAT!! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!" You yelled at the top of your lungs. You zipped over and cut the titans neck.

"You." You said in the most demonic voice ever. Enough to make even Annie show her emotion of fear and horror. "Why. Were. You. Letting. Him. Be. Killed. By. A. Titan. Huh!?!" You yelled with every step you took.

They shook. They were silent and zipped off. You turned around and sighed. "Hey sorry about that. My name is y/n. What's yours?" You asked with a smile. He blushed. "My name is Marco Bodt." He said.

You both knew from that moment on, a friendship grew. You weren't strong, but Marco had an instinct to protect you. And that is what he did.

"Here you go n/n. Give these paperwork to Eyebrows and then it's lunch time." Hanji said excitedly. You nodded and walked off towards Commander Erwin aka Commander Eyebrows's office.

You finally arrived after a minute of searching. You knocked once. "State Name and business." The voice said. "Cadet y/n l/n. Squad leader Hanji have me her paperwork to give to you sir." You said. "The doors open." He said.

You somehow managed to open the door and walked in. "Where do you need these placed sir?" You asked. He pointed to a spot. "Right there." He said. You placed it down, saluted and he waved his hand as a dismissal signal.

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