When you accidently turn him on - Armin

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Author's POV:

Morning sun bled through your open windows in your room. You threw your arm onto your eyes to shield them from the sunlight. You got up and tripped over in the process.

"Ow!" (Name) yelled and quickly got up. She changed into a black tank top, red skirt and white and black converse and went into the mess. "Hey (Name)! Over here!" Your best friend, (best friend) waves her hand. You walked over and sat down next to your "brother", Eren.

He turned his head and smiled. "Hey (Name)." He said and finished his soup. I had a single piece of bread. "I'm heading to the library. I'll be back soon." (Name) said and she walked off towards the library.

(Name)'s POV:

I had a specific book in my mind. I walked into the library and headed into the romance section. I walked in and looked for: Even Dreams Happen.

It's about a young couple who met during summer break. They are friends at first then that soon turned to love. They eventually got married and their dream was to live in the tropics and have a beautiful baby's girl.

I saw it on the fifth shelf. I went onto my hands and knees and searched for the book, since I lost it from my vision.

Armin's POV:

I was looking for a book about the outside world again. This time about the wild animals and where you can find them. I walked in and I saw (Name) in her hands and knees like a cat.

I blushed since it was cute and walked towards the non-fictional section. The window near by blew open and (Name)'s skirt blew up slightly and I saw her (fave colour) panties. I blushed and went to stand behind her since the library doors opened.

I was starting to get a boner and I blushed.

"Hey did you hear."
"New recruits are coming later today."
"Yeah. A few girls and some guys."
"I wonder if some of the girls are cute."

They laughed. I recognise those voices. Jean and Reiner. They turned towards the romance section cause they heard a squeak. I quickly got behind her making it look like I'm.... inside her....

She moved her torso up and she leaned against me. "Hey Armin. You might need to grind on me to make it look like we are "doing it"." She whispered. embarrassed.

Any normal human being would. "Okay. Moan and scream my name. Okay?" I whispered in her ear. "Okay Coconut." She whispered and giggled.

Opal and Rebecca gave me some books about sex, just in case if this situation happens or If I ever do the deed with someone.

Author's POV:
(A/N: I feel so embarrassed writing/typing this down. Please don't hate.
Warning: may turn into a lemon and some... mature action and words and language. Read this part at your own risk. I'll let you know when your free)

Armin grinded his hips onto (Name)'s butt and they both moaned. His boner was getting more erect and he was getting excited as well as (Name). Reiner and Jean were oblivious to what was happening until the moans got louder.

Armin leaned back and rested on his elbows while kissing (Name) while she was grinding on Armin. They were getting louder and louder.

He leaned forward and whispered something in her ear. "Call me daddy." He whispered. "Daddy~." She moaned and slammed onto Armin. He moaned loudly and went to attack her neck.

They were both oblivious as to who was looking at them. Reiner and Jean thought it was a good idea to turn the lights off, close the blinds and lock the library. Reiner blushed while having a boner as well as Jean.

Armin moves to (Name)'s lips and kissed her with lust and hunger. They pulled away for air and they stood up. They continued to kiss and his hands went down to her ass and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and they headed for behind the desk.

He gently placed her on the desk there and pulled their belts off and clothes went flying to the other sides of the small room. "Are you sure you want to continue?" He said hesitantly. "Yes. If it's you then I'm fine with it." She said while smiling.

He pulled down his boxers revealing his huge "Titan". (A/N: Freckled Jesus help meh XD.)
He pulled down her (fave colour) panties and he placed a condom on his "Titan". He got the condom from Hanji.

His tip went to her entrance and lined himself up. "You sure?" He said worriedly. She nodded. He inserted slowly and gently. She gritted her teeth. "Ah!" She yelled in pain and she started to cry.

Armin started to kiss her and he was fully in. He started to go in really slow circles and she started to moan in pleasure. "Daddy~." She moaned.

Just hearing that nickname made him pull out fully and slam back into her. They continued until they got a knot starting to appear in their stomachs.

"I'm close daddy~." She moaned with a smirk.
He leaned forward and whispered into her ear. "Then scream my name." He whispered. He slammed hard into her and they came.

"DADDY~!" She yelled. The came from their highs and collapsed onto the floor. They kissed and she got onto top of him and she inserted into him. Sitting on him like riding a horse. "Ready for round 2. Coconut Daddy~?" She moaned into his ear.

They continued many rounds through out the night. Many loud moans and scream were in the small sound proof library office that is never used.
A/N: That was so difficult to do. I swear I need Marco and his holy freckles to cleanse my mind or Levi to clean it... I just realised that I made Armin OOC.... Oh well! Suits the chapter better. Right?

Anyways, comment down below how you thought it was. With the rest of the "accidentally turning him on" one shots, they will obviously be lemons. Makes sense.

And follow.


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