Author's Note

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How do I put this into context...?


I've been on haitus for a while from writers block and I have a really big science assignment that will take a month to do. And I'm also running out of ideas here.

There might only be maybe about 1-3 more chapters and then this fanfic will be completed. Well. Until I can come up with more ideas and get rid of winters block fully. It's a pain in the butt with writers block. Can't think of a good idea, plot line and just gives up.

Hope you understand while I was gone for so long. Maybe, since the last time I updated was November-December last year... heh

Sorry about that.

Anyways. School is stressful with assignments due in the same week time period (week 8-11) for classes (including electives), so it'll take me a while to upload again. But I'll still be online every now and then.

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