When your depressed

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He'd do anything to make you smile and happy again, even if he has to sacrifice his happiness for you. He'd buy you chocolates, lollies and a huge ass teddy bear to snuggle. After all the gifts (food) he'd give you you'd be happy and smile.

The cute *cough* sexy *cough* innocent coconut sees his girlfriend cry, he'd immediately worry. He'd think that he made you cry and depressed but you tell him that he didn't make you cry. But something else. He'd stop freaking out and snuggle and hug you. He'd read you his fave book. About the outside world. You curled in a ball on his lap while looking at the pages and listen to his voice. Only for you to slowly fall asleep wth a peaceful smile on his face.

All I can say is protective mod. Protective mod has been activated. Ladies and gentlemen, prepare for humanities strongest solider becoming worried and concerned. You start wailing and sobbing up a storm. He walks into his room to see you curled in a ball crying and sobbing to the point you shaking. He'd walk over and give you a tight ass bear hug. He'd go out of his way to cancel and drop any meetings and paperwork just to make you happy. He'd buy you anything. But he'd buy you chocolate, roses and a lot more lollies he bought from Sina. Be thankful he's your boyfriend.

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