Eren x Reader - An experiment and a confession

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Just a quickie before I get into the chapter.

I'm writing another Attack On Titan book. It's a Levi x Reader fanfic. Reader is a famous singer and Levi is her bodyguard. Your mother died from a car accident, you, your father and older sister survive. Your father doesn't want to lose you both so he hires a bodyguard for you.

Please check it out! It's called My (emotionless) Bodyguard [Levi x Reader]!
There's a special chapter, for the end of the fan fiction *drum rolls* a crackhead chapter!!!

Now on with the chapter!

Author's POV:

"Oh come on (Name)! This experiment will be fun!" The crazy ass Titan lover, aka Hanji, exclaimed very loudly. (Name) sighed heavily. "Fine. Only to shut your mouth up." (Name) said. Hanji jumped from one foot to the other in excitement. "Yes! Let's go!" She yelled grabbing (Name) by her left wrist and dragging her past the mess, the offices, dorms and into the big open grass area she does experiments at.

"Wait here and I'll go and get Eren for ya!" She screamed before running off into the distance. (Name) sighed again. "What are you doing out here (Last Name)?" A gruff voice asked. (Name) turned around. "Hey Commander! Hanji is doing an experiment with Eren, to see if he does anything else in his Titan form." She said. He nodded his blonde head before walking off. "Have fun." He said and disappeared behind the doors.

"Back! Now. Eren transform into your Titan, and les see if you'll do anything to someone you love!" Hanji exclaimed. Both the teenagers started blushing. "Hanji! I told you to keep it a secret!" Eren yelled. Said person just laughed her head off.

"Let's do this I guess. But what will happen if he loses control or tries to kill me?" (Name) asked. Hanji had a look on her face. "There's some cadets in the trees waiting in case it fails, Shorty will be here in a second as well. Now Eren do your thing!" She yelled. We both stood back and Eren transformed.

"(Name) run to the trees and pretend to fall over or something." Hanji whispered. (Name) nodded her head and ran off to the trees before actually tripping over a root. The ground almost made impact with her small body before a large hand grabbed her and placed her back down on the ground.

(Name)'s POV:

Once I was safely on the ground, I looked at Eren to see his eyes had a tint of softness and worry to them. "Oi! Lover boy! Stop eye fucking her!" Jean screamed loudly. I had a dead panned look. "Really Jean! Go fuck some horses!" Connie yelled. Everyone started laughing while Jean looked like he was gonna kill someone.

"Stop being a horse face and go hang out with your family ya horse!" I yelled. 'Shit! Worst mistake ever made.' I thought.

Jean lunges towards me, ready to fight.

Eren's POV:

'Not on my watch you won't horse face!' I thought angrily. I picked up Jean and threw him off somewhere, probably towards the horse stable. My Titan collapsed and I got out off it.

"You Okay Eren?" (Name) asked. I nodded.

"Alright brats! It's dinner time so hurry your asses into the mess before your going straight to your rooms for the night without dinner!" Levi yelled. Everyone ran, or used their 3DMG to get to the mess quicker.

We both ran to the mess and sat down with Mikasa and Armin.

(Name)'s POV:

We sat down and instantly Armin gave Eren a look. Mikasa looked at me. "How was the experiment?" She asked. "Normal. Horse face got annoyed and was about to fight me before Eren threw him off to the stables.

Mikasa's lips thinned making a line, trying to hold in a laugh. "It was funny. He yelled while flying: I hate you all! It was funny!" I yelled.

Mikasa started to softly laugh. I looked over to Armin. "Hey who's the... book... where'd he go?" I said. Mikasa looked up as well. "Eren's gone too." She said.

We both got up and started to look for them both. "Split up. It'll make it easier!" I said she nodded and we ran off seperate ways.

I was running down a random corridor and got pulled into a closet. With a small Yelp from surprise leaving my throat.

"It's okay, it's just me." A familiar voice said. I relaxed knowing it was Eren. I turned around, his face was red from blushing. "Um... I like like you a lot and um... I was wondering if you wanted to uh, be my girlfriend?" Eren asked hesitantly.

I had a look of shock but that disappeared. "Yes." I said before jumping onto him. He looked at me from surprise before hugging me back.

We walked out of the closet and he walked me back to my room. "So, can we do this more of-." I was cut of before warm lips hit mine. We shared a small kiss before pulling away.

"I love you (Name)." He said.
"And I love you too." I said we hugged before I disappeared behind my door.

I went into bed, after changing, and instantly fell asleep.

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