I M Chapter 41

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I was waiting for Blake at the inn. For some reason, even Maria hasn't come back yet. At this hour she should be here having a chat with me. I took a bath to refresh myself.

It was already dark outside, so I lit a candle on the table and sat there. I could hear footsteps, I was sure that it was Blake's because he has this rhythm in his steps.

When he got to the door. I heard it unlocking with a (clack) then he entered.


I was tired I when got back at the inn. What awaited me was... Angelica, sitting by the table looking at me. Her face was illuminated by candlelight.

"Welcome back." [Angelica]

"Ah... yes." [Blake]

There's something different about her today...

"So... how was your training?" [Angelica]

"Difficult as usual..." [Blake]

"I... see..." [Angelica]

She stood up and was walking towards me, with her hands behind her back. In any case, I observed her movement and prepared for a possible attack. It wasn't rare for doppelgangers to appear in cities, since they could blend in with humans.

She stopped at a certain distance from me. I gripped my scabbard, when I saw a swords pommel sticking out behind her.

From what I can tell, that isn't her gladius... As I was about to unsheathed my jian...

"Happy Birthday! Blake!" [Angelica]

She presented the sword in front of me. Surprised I received it.

I forgot that it was my birthday today. I cannot believe that I had nearly cut her down...

I unsheathed her gift. It was a jian similar to mine, at its pommel I saw the magic crystal that she had imbued.

"Well?" [Angelica]

"Thank you, this is a wonderful present." [Blake]

"Oh! I still have more!" [Angelica]

"More presents?" [Blake]

Angelica, took something out of her waist bag. It was two potions and those potions were...

"Angelica, this..." [Blake]

Not only one, but two...

"I wanted to make you happy..." [Angelica]

Looking up at me with a beautiful smile, while holding onto the two potions close to her chest.

I then embraced her. She smelled nice... did she take a bath?

"B-Blake?" [Angelica]

"You are the best present of all!" [Blake]

"Wait... why me?" [Angelica]

"Aren't you giving yourself as a birthday present?" [Blake]

"Hah?" [Angelica]

She slowly pushed me away and stepped back.

"Don't tell me that you didn't know what that potion is?" [Blake]

"I-isn't this a stamina potion?" [Angelica]

"Well I guess you could say that..." [Blake]

"Then this is..." [Angelica]

She froze... I think she gets it...

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