I M Chapter 44

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At dawn, on the third day of our travel.

"Ah! I see the capital!" [Maria]

In the horizon. We saw the Angono Capital. It was a huge city fitting for a capital.

Stretching at a ten kilometers radius, the city is located beside the shore with its ports. What's surprising about the capital is the lack of walls.

"There aren't any walls?" [Angelica]

"Year by year the capital is expanding in size, it would only be a waste of resources if they built walls one after the other." [Regina]

"What about monsters?" [Blake]

"Any monsters spotted within  5km from the city will be exterminated." [Howard]

"Also, because this is the capital, the strongest warriors and adventurers are stationed here." [Jose]

We lowered our altitude as we got nearer, the people below still looked like ants. The castle, reflecting the sunlight, caught my eye. This huge towering structure, I wonder how they managed to build it?

"We'll land at the castle grounds." [Howard]

We've landed on what seemed like a garden. As we walked, we saw some knights doing training. Others spar while others ran around with their bulky armor.

"We may need to change you into appropriate clothing. Regina please take the women." [Howard]

"Understood, this way." [Regina]

Regina led us to the changing room, while Blake and Jose were escorted by a servant.

"I never thought that I'd be able to see what's inside the castle." [Maria]

"Me, too." [Angelica]

This place really has this retro feel about it.

Regina knocked on the door, after a few seconds it opens. The one that opened it was an old woman who wore mini-glasses, she had this strict like aura surrounding her...

"Martha, these are the king's guest's, can you pick the clothes that is appropriate for their meeting?." [Regina]

"Oh yes, may I see them?" [Martha]

Maria went in first, then I followed.

"Your highn?!" [Martha]

"Highn??" [Regina]

"I apologize I mistook her for someone..." [Martha]

Is she referring to me?

"I'll leave them in your care as I'm requested for duty." [Regina]

"Ah, yes." [Martha]

Regina closed the door as she left.

"Now then, let's get the both of you changed." [Martha]

We finished dressing up. Maria wore something like a high school uniform, complete with a mini. I was surprised that there is such a thing in this world, maybe I am not the only one here.

"You look so cute in your school uniform." [Angelica]

"This isn't a school uniform, this is a dress for meeting high-class people." [Maria]

"Yeah-yeah, can I look under your skirt?" [Angelica]

"There you go again with your antics..." [Maria]

I wasn't kidding. I really wanna see what's under there, maybe my male genes are hot wired to look under skirts since time in memorial.

Also mini-skirts are rare from where I came from. In our country even though it has a hot climate and we had no winter, people don't wear them. Their logic is so screwed up...

"Umm... Ms.Martha?" [Angelica]

"Martha is fine, dear." [Martha]

"May I ask what is highn?" [Angelica]

"It was supposed to be highness, because you almost looked identical to the first princess." [Martha]

"Oh you mean the one that was kidnapped?" [Maria]

"Kidnapped?" [Angelica]

"The first princess was kidnapped during her visit at the nearby town, because of the king's beloved daughter went missing. He sent out a search party to find them, but even with that she's still wasn't found." [Martha]

"Did he just give up after that?" [Angelica]

"No... did you know how big the reward is if they found her?" [Martha]

"How much was it?" [Maria]

"A land big enough for a town, that is if they do find her. He sent out search parties every day for several years." [Martha]

"Several years?!!" [Angelica/Maria]

"He had lost hope in finding the princess and because of that, his health had started to deteriorate..." [Martha]

"But how did you meet the princess?" [Angelica]

"I was her personal helper." [Martha]

At the hall, we meet with Blake. While Jose, seemed to have gone somewhere.

"Looking great." [Blake]

"Thanks!" [Maria]

I frowned.

"You too my princess." [Blake]

Hahhhh? What kind of pickup line was that? Try mine for size.

"Why thank you my prince, may I have a dance?" [Angelica]

I bowed to him while slightly lifting the both ends of my skirt.

"W-wwwha..." [Blake]

He's speeches and blushes. Right back at you heheh.

"Are you ready?" [Howard]

"Yes." [Angelica/Blake/Maria]

Howard opens the large door to the throne room.

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