I M Chapter 48

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On the fourth day, they were found by the extermination party.

Terrence was badly injured, but he had managed to protect my daughter from harm. He protected her with utmost care and that changed my impression of him.

For some reason Elaine and Terrence's attitudes have changed, they now seem to get along.

Strangely, my daughter has been requesting, that only Terrence be her escort. I told her, as my daughter, I was only concerned about her safety.

Elaine had started helping me out on my conquest to expand our territory. I'm amazed at her skill in ordering the troops, in my battles. I've never seen such minimal losses in our forces. Unlike my two other sons, who kept womanizing royals and wasting money and their precious lives.

Wow mom was an RTS pro (Real Time Strategy) so her skills with chess weren't just for show.

I've discovered that Elaine and Terrence had been sneaking out of the castle without my knowledge. I hired someone to tail them just in case, but they still managed to elude him.

My daughter had reached her age to marry. I also met with a prince of another country, who had great power and a wide territory I would like him to marry my daughter. From that I was sure that the future of my beloved daughter would be secured.

When I told Elaine about the marriage, she got mad at me. I said that she will be happy, still she refused. When I scolded her, she glared at me and quickly left with a tearful face.

Elaine, had locked herself in her room, refusing to let anybody in. I asked Terrence to talk her out of it and she let him inside.

It took a day for them to come out. My daughter looked dejected, but I'm sure that she'll be happy once she gets married.

Elaine said that she wanted to go into town, to buy gifts for her wedding. I let her go with Terrence, but they haven't returned before dark. I thought something had happened and I ordered a search for them.

When I checked in Elaine's room. I saw papers scattered about, some were burnt and have read them. They were plans, on what transport to use and roads to watch out for, there isn't any information on their destination.

Day XX I've placed a bounty on Terrence for kidnapping my daughter. I should've known that they had a relationship, I ignored the signs...

I gotta give props to dad. He has balls for eloping with mom.

It had been a year since Elaine was taken by Terrence, if something terrible happens to her I'll...

I wish that I could take back what I said to her. Because of that incident, my daughter had left me.

The rest of the entries are about his grief on mother's disappearance. I closed the book and looked up at grandfather.

"What do you plan to do now grandfather?" [Angelica]

"It may be an impossible request, but can you ask Elaine to forgive me?" [King Alex]

"I'm sure that mother will understand..." [Angelica]

"Thank you, Angelica." [King Alex]

"You should rest, so that you can recover." [Angelica]

"Yes." [King Alex]

I was about to leave, but decided to return to him.

"Is there more you'd like to ask?" [King Alex]

Clueless to why I went back. I kissed him on the forehead.

"Ah." [King Alex]

He showed a smile, I bowed to him and slowly closed the door as I left.

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