I M Chapter 102

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When I finished changing I made sure to get over it before I got back to Matthew. To be honest... I am not really sure what I was crying on about... I don't want people to ever see me exposing my weak side...

I ditched my old ones cause no matter how much I washed it, the filth would cling on. Trust me I know, I'm a guy lol.

"It looks good on you Angelica." [Matthew]

"But, it's so frilly and girly." [Angelica]

I really don't like the feeling of this maid outfit. It's the standard black and white one that has frills on the edges of the skirt.

It would've been fine if I could take the apron off so that it would look like a plain black skirt, but noooooo the apron is finely stitched onto the skirt, what the hell is the big ass ribbon on the back for decoration?!

Also, the skirt is so long and heavy that I could easily trip over it. The clearance above my ankles is only 3-4inches dammit!

Seriously, though... it baffles me how the maids were able to move with this thing on.

Other than that, they also gave me a pair of black shoes, a small black ribbon to tie my hair with and black stockings that you can strap in the skirt with a hook.

I threw away the maid cap and said screw that. I'm not going full cosplay.

"You don't like girly clothes?" [Matthew]

Try saying that to a guy!

"Angelica?" [Matthew]

I put one hand over his cheek and lifted his face towards mine.

"You know, looking closely you do seem like a girl." [Angelica]

"E-eh?" [Matthew]

"You'd make a fine trap." [Angelica]

"Trap??" [Matthew]

I see multiple question marks flying on his head. I'd bet if I put him into some girly clothes people wouldn't even notice that he was a boy.

"Nevermind... Do you know a way out of this place?" [Angelica]

"To be honest my mother only brought me here once when I was a child so..." [Matthew]

"That's fine, we can ask the locals for directions when we get back to the city." [Angelica]

"Get back?! Why!" [Matthew]

"When escaping what do you do?" [Angelica]

"Get away as far as possible." [Matthew]

"That is somewhat correct, but I don't trust the magician. Since she is the one who teleported us she may know our location." [Angelica]

I'm not sure if it's possible to teleport people to random places, but the thought of being randomly teleported over the cliff scares me. The risk of teleporting at random is so great that they probably wouldn't risk us dying in a freak accident and just sent us to their usual spots.

Also, once they discover that my curse was a ruse they will most likely go after us.

"Ah! So we can confuse them while they desperately searched for us here on the mountain." [Matthew]

"Uh, huh." [Angelica]

When we get to the city we'll ask around for information and if possible hitch a ride with someone going to the nearest border of the Republic.

"Matthew, let me carry your bag." [Angelica]

"N..." [Matthew]

At first, he hesitated but gave his bag soon after.

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