Chapter IV: Departure for Middle-earth

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Chapter IV: Departure for Middle-earth

The morning after, they awoke and found the sun already high in the sky. They had their breakfast together, in Nerwen's bedchamber, and then Calion took his leave with a last, long kiss.

When the Vanya left Yavanna's palace, his face was sad; he had always known that their association would end eventually, even if he didn't expect it this way. He thought that, one day, the one or the other would find his or her soul mate and would end their relationship. Nerwen going only the Valar knew where embittered him. He would have much more preferred she found her spouse: even if he didn't love her that way, he felt true affection for her and wished her sincerely to be happy.

Then a thought struck him: perhaps Nerwen would find her life partner during this same journey.

That thought, somehow, comforted him and his sadness was soothed, even if it wouldn't disappear completely for a long time.


Unseen, Nerwen watched Calion leaving the palace; she, too, felt his same sadness for the long separation awaiting them, which would perhaps last forever. Her Second Sight – the ability of her race to peep at flashes in the future – wasn't of any use, in this moment, because it didn't show up by command, and therefore she had no possibility to glimpse at something whenever she wished. Usually it arrived in the most unexpected, sometimes even inopportune, moments, without warning; and often what she peeped at was so enigmatic that it was of no use until it happened. This was anyway for the best, otherwise a too precise knowledge of the future would influence her and those who surrounded her in a way that could be dangerous or harmful; but in this moment, Nerwen wished like never before to be able to see through the veil.


Later, the Istar went to Yavanna to take her leave. She was about to make a curtsey in front of the Valië, but the latter hugged her.

"Each and every olvar and kelvar in Endorë, unless fallen under the Shadow, will be your ally and supporter", whispered Yavanna, "And you'll have the friendship and respect of the Dwarves opposing Sauron, because you're a follower of Kementári, spouse of Aulë, whom they call Mahal. In this regard, I bring you a gift from my husband: the knowledge of Khuzdul, their language."

Yavanna took Nerwen's head in her hands; the Istar closed her eyes and felt a great, agreeable warmth somewhere inside her skull, where her Mistress was transferring the knowledge of that language directly in her mind, sending it to join the many others she already knew.

"And now I'll create the telepathic bond between our minds", Yavanna went on, continuing to keep her fingers on her temples, "so we'll be able to communicate across the incommensurable space separating us."

Again, the sensation of pleasurable warmth in her brain, this time in a different area. Behind the black screen of her eyelids, Nerwen saw the image of a small door. She was wondering about it, when she heard a knock, so she imagined opening it, and in front of her there was Yavanna, smiling.

You will perceive this way a possible contact request of mine, the Valië explained, and in the same way, I will perceive one of yours.

I see, Nerwen thought in answer.

Yavanna drew away from her disciple, both mentally and physically, and looked in her eyes. Her attitude changed subtly, going from friendly to solemn.

"Now you are ready to leave, Laiheri", she said, "An arduous task awaits you, but you have all the capabilities to carry it out."

"I thank you, my Lady Kementári", Nerwen answered with the same solemnity, "In this mission I will put all my heart, mind and soul", she concluded, using the traditional formula.

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