Chapter LXI: Among the Mellyrn

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Chapter LXI: Among the Mellyrn

"How did Lady Galadriel know about our arrival?" Aryon asked Nerwen; after breaking their fast with dehydrated fruit, honey cookies and tea along with the Galadhrim, they were now heading northeastwards for the Celebrant, walking among the mellyrn.

"The Lady of Lothlórien is one of the great wises of the White Council," Nerwen reminded him, having told him about Galadriel and Celeborn, "and her eyes see very far away; but how this happens, is her call, not mine."

"I see," the Avar prince nodded, frowning slightly: he didn't like not knowing things, but he realised that one isn't free to share somebody else's secrets, not even with his or her partner.

Haldir was escorting them, walking next to them; as he had no horse, Aryon and Nerwen, too, were walking.

"How's Ireth?" Nerwen asked him, recalling his betrothed.

"We married at the end of the traditional year of betrothal," Haldir told her, smiling, "two months after you left. We have a son, who's now sixteen years old and is turning out to be a good musician and singer; I think he'll become a very talented minstrel, like his mother," he concluded with apparent fatherly pride.

"I'm happy for you," Nerwen declared, glad to learn this; she had had no chance to get to know better Haldir and Ireth, at the time of her previous stays in Lórien, but she liked them both, "And what about Beriadir?" she asked then, wishing to learn how the charming Elf was doing; she didn't forget he had stayed at her side in a difficult moment.

"He found his partner for life," the captain answered, "last year, during the battle that tore down Dol Guldur. Her name's Nariel and she's one of the commanders of King Thranduil's army; when the war ended, Beriadir followed her to the Wooden Realm and they married this spring."

"That's good news!" the Maia cried, genuinely glad that her old friend-in-love had found the person who he would spend the rest of his life with, like her.

When they reached the Silverlode, they walked downriver for several kilometres, until they arrived at the ferry pier; the boat was on the other side, and as they waited for it to cross, Haldir took his leave.

"You know the way," he told the Istar, "and you're awaited, therefore you can go to the palace safely by your own."

"Sure," Nerwen agreed.

"Nice having met you again, Lady Nerwen, and nice to have met you, Lord Aryon," the blond Elf said, bowing to them; they reciprocated, then Haldir turned around and went back to his patrolling area.

Shortly after his leave, the ferry arrived and Nerwen and Aryon got on board; as usual, Túdhin radiated a feeling of uneasiness at the idea he had to stay on a boat, even if for a short time, but he didn't complain and followed docilely Thilgiloth, Allakos and Kerra.

Once on the other side of the Silverlode, Aryon and Nerwen got on their horses and took the path leading to the main road to Caras Galadhon, where they arrived about half an hour later. At the gates, the sentinels stopped them, but as soon as they learned their names, they let them pass through; apparently, they knew about their arrival as Haldir had.

Seeing again the marvellous city of trees was a great joy for Nerwen, who kept a beautiful memory of it in her mind and heart; she looked around, smiling, then, noticing her husband's astonished gaze, her smile broadened: of course, Aryon was used to trees, having been born and raised in Eryn Rhûn, but he surely had never seen trees as gigantic as these ones, or entire buildings among their branches; and he hadn't seen yet Celeborn's and Galadriel's abode. Indeed, his eyes widened when he glimpsed at the immense mallorn that held their host's mansion.

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