Chapter LXIII: Into the West

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Chapter LXIII: Into the West

Lindir entered into Elrond's office, where the Lord of Rivendell was talking with Nerwen and Gandalf about their leaving, which was drawing closer.

"A message from King Thranduil, Sire," he said, handing him a rolled up parchment.

"Thank you, Lindir," Elrond answered, taking it; with a bow, the Palace Administrator left the room.

"Thranduil? How is he?" Gandalf asked. The king of the Silvan Elves of the Woodland Realm was his good friend, even if they had had their differences during the Battle of the Five Armies, in front of Erebor.

"He's fine," Elrond answered, unrolling the parchment and reading it quickly, "I told him about our departure, and he's informing me he wants to come and say goodbye to us. His son Legolas will come, too."

"I'm glad having the chance to see them before leaving," the Wizard commented.

For the time being, indeed, the king and his son looked like they didn't want to leave. Eventually, they would decide heading for the Grey Havens, but they couldn't know how long it would be until then; and anyway, there was always the off-chance they would rather stay in Middle-earth.

"I'm looking forward to meet King Thranduil," Nerwen declared, "and his son, too; both have done much, in the fight against Sauron."

Indeed, Legolas had been a member of the Fellowship of the Ring, and Thranduil had victoriously led his army in the battles against the Orcs of Gundabad, which had taken place at the same time of the attack of Mordor against Gondor, and afterwards he had helped Celeborn and Galadriel wiping off Dol Guldur.


On the twelfth day of May, the guests they were waiting for arrived. Adequately escorted, they came from the High Pass, after transiting through the land of the Beornings, located between the Woodland Realm and the eastern slopes of Hithaeglir. Nerwen and Aryon met them on the evening, when they went for dinner.

"Thranduil, let me introduce to you my relative Nerwen the Green," Elrond said, "and her husband, Prince Aryon Morvacor of the Avari. Nerwen, Aryon, meet Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm."

Nerwen and Aryon performed the bow and curtsy due to a monarch and Thranduil responded with a courteous nod; he looked at them in a composed way, but his ice-blue eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"A colleague to Mithrandir, then?" he asked, gazing at the Maia, who nodded in confirmation, "and an Avar... It has been a long time since I last met one of your kin, Lord Aryon."

For once, Aryon had to raise his head to look into his interlocutor's eyes, because Thranduil's stature surpassed even Galadriel's and Celeborn's.

"Actually, it's too a long time we haven't contacts with the Woodland Realm," he admitted, "but now things have changed. I cannot speak for my sister the Queen Eliénna, but I tell you what I already told to the Lord and Lady of Lórien and to Lord Elrond: if you send ambassadors to Eryn Rhûn, they'll be welcomed."

"I did already," Elrond revealed, "and the answer was positive."

"I'll do so, too," Thranduil declared.

At that moment, Elrohir and Elladan joined them; the twins greeted Thranduil cordially.

They were chatting pleasantly, when a blond Elf with ice-blue eyes joined them; he looked very alike Thranduil.

They were chatting pleasantly, when a blond Elf with ice-blue eyes joined them; he looked very alike Thranduil

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