Chapter XLV: The Thermal Baths of Bordercastle

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Chapter XLV: The Thermal Baths of Bordercastle

A few hours later, in the middle of the night, Nerwen and Aryon woke up startled at the crash of a thunder. The Istar got up, worrying for Túdhin who, like all kelvar, was afraid of lightning and thunder; the wolf had taken refuge under the table, looking for shelter.

"Come here, old friend," Nerwen invited him sweetly, crouching; he placed his head on her shoulder and she wrapped him in a comforting embrace. Then she led him to her chamber, where meanwhile Aryon had lighted a candle; Túdhin went and laid down next to the bed, on the side where Nerwen slept. The prince nodded to his betrothed, showing his agreement.

Nerwen extended her thoughts and sook Thilgiloth's mind; she found her wide-awake because of the crack of thunder, but not frightened: a Chargeress like her needed much more than a thunderstorm to scare her.

"How are Thalion and Allakos?" the Istar asked her.

The noise disquiets them, but we're safe, here, Thilgiloth reassured her. Nerwen sent a soothing feeling to the two horses who, sensing her, calmed down, even if they would start at each thunder.

The noise of the pouring rain against the panes made Nerwen move aside the heavy curtain covering the window and look outside; it was raining buckets and a strong wind from the east pushed the water against this façade of the castle, flooding it. Aryon got up in turn and crossed the room to come beside her, looking out.

"Good thing we're behind solid walls," he commented, embracing the Istar from behind, "Can you imagine such a bad weather in our tent...?"

"Yes, good thing indeed," Nerwen considered. An enormous lighting split the darkness, filling the night with a fierce light, followed immediately by a deafening thunder who made the couple start violently and Túdhin whine. Nerwen slipped from her betrothed's embrace and knelt beside le wolf, caressing him and sending him reassuring thoughts. When the predator calmed down, she went back to bed; Aryon did the same and blew out the candle, laying down at her side. The thunderstorm lasted a while longer, making both them and Túdhin start at each crash of thunder, but finally went away and they could fall asleep again.


The following morning, they got up and found that it was still pouring; the narrow horizon above the pass was covered from side to side with heavy dark clouds, which looked unwilling to move, even if a strong wind was raging, making the windowpanes clink.

"I think we surely cannot resume our journey, today," Aryon mused, grimacing.

"Yes," Nerwen confirmed, beginning to get dressed, "Well, anyway things could be worse... just imagine if this bad weather would have caught us in the open. At least, here we're dry and comfortable."

The Avar prince turned to gaze at her and smiled his typical grin:

"You always manage to see the bright side, blossom. I love you for this, too."

She returned his smile:

"Thank you... but in the end, it's just about making the most of every situation. In this case, as we cannot go on, at the least we can enjoy our stay."

He skirted the bed and hugged her.

"Did you do so in Bârlyth, too?" he asked her, looking in her eyes. The Istar wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head against his chest, where she could hear his heartbeat, steady and constant.

"Yes, I did," she confirmed, "And I got the best I could hope in my life: you."

Aryon kissed her hair, tenderly.

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