Chapter XXXVI: Terror Goes on the Plain

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Chapter XXXVI: Terror Goes on the Plain

In the early morning of four days later, Aryon and Nerwen set forth, leaving reluctantly the wonderful place that had witnessed the fulfilment of their love. They followed the brook to the ford Nerwen had seen, crossed it and reached again the Rinnen; they rode beside it, proceeding north by northeast. Their next stop, a couple of days away, was Kopellin, the capital city of the Hwenti realm.

In the late afternoon, they came across a herd of bison, consisting in about 15 specimens, a number of females – one of them was pregnant – a few very young ones and three little calves less than two months old. The herd was standing still and, so as not to frighten the animals, Aryon and Nerwen proceeded very quietly, with no sudden moves.

While surpassing them, the Istar noticed that a few females were grouped at the centre of the herd in what seemed to her an unnatural attitude; extending instinctively her special senses, she picked up a feeling of fear and concern so sharp, she was induced to pull Thilgiloth's bridles and stop. Noticing it, Aryon promptly did the same.

"What's up?" he asked her.

"There's something wrong," Nerwen explained, pointing to the abnormally herded females, "Those bison are terrified of something, and I want to find out what it is. I alert Calad."

"All right," the prince said, sitting straighter on his saddle to keep an eye on the surroundings, his hand on the hilt of his sword, ready to unsheathe it at the slightest sign of danger.

Calad, Nerwen transmitted to the hawk, keep an eye out and warn me if something bigger than a badger shows up.

The bird consented.

The Aini then dismounted and went into the herd, radiating reassuring thoughts so that the animals wouldn't be frightened, and heading for the anomalous group. When she approached it, she saw that a male of about two years was laying on the ground; blood covered one of his hindquarters. A particularly large female, with an air of authority – surely the heard leader – turned to the intruder; she showed no fear, only perplexity and a certain degree of mistrust.

I'm a friend, Nerwen quickly transmitted so as to reassure her. The female bison moved her ears, surprised, and watched her intently with her very lively brown eyes. Then in them sparkled a sudden light of understanding.

I greet you, Daughter of the Sunset, she said; this time it was Nerwen, the one who felt surprised.

Do you know me? she enquired: the epithet she had been addressed to revealed clearly that the bison knew where she came from.

Yes, I do, the leader confirmed, The wind talks about you, and so do water and grass, since you have arrived from beyond the Great Sea.

At this point, Nerwen recalled that Calad, too, had been aware about where she came from: it was clear that the news had spread far and wide, reaching the lands of the Avari, too.

I see, she commented, then she pointed to the youngster laying on the ground, What happened to him?

A monstrous being has attacked us, the female bison answered, anguished, I'm afraid we must abandon him: we have to run, or the monster will attack again.

That kind of monster is it? Nerwen enquired. The leader sent her a scary image: a big, menacing figure in which the Istar soon recognised a female troll of the plains, one of the few races able to bear the sunshine without turning into stone.

Maybe abandoning him won't be necessary, she stated firmly, approaching the young bison and kneeling at his side, I think I can help him.

Nerwen the Green and the Search for the Entwives #wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now