Chapter LV: On the March

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Chapter LV: On the March

A few days were required before the Entmoot could start, because Fimbrethil wanted all of the Entwives to be there; they were 146 in total. A number of them were far away, taking care of the orchards located the farthest from the abode of the First Keeper, which stood almost at the exact centre of Dor-im-Duin, therefore some had to go and look for them.

At last, four days later, the Entmoot began.

Fimbrethil sent Calenfinn to fetch Nerwen and Aryon. The two headed for the place where the Entwives were gathered; the sight of almost 150 Enyd was something unquestionably impressing, Aryon decided; but Nerwen, too, was struck because, despite these were all females and therefore generally smaller and more slender than the males, never in all her life had she seen so many in the same place.

 The two headed for the place where the Entwives were gathered; the sight of almost 150 Enyd was something unquestionably impressing, Aryon decided; but Nerwen, too, was struck because, despite these were all females and therefore generally smalle...

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The couple addressed a respectful bow to Fimbrethil, who responded with a stiff movement of her trunk, bending it slightly at the hips.

"Lady Nerwen, Lord Aryon," the First Keeper greeted them, "before we begin our discussion, I would like you to present your reasons as why we should intervene in the fight against Sauron."

Nerwen nodded, glad she could have the opportunity to talk personally to all the Entwives. Aryon signalled her she should speak: after all, he hadn't much to say.

"Very well," Fimbrethil said, "Come, I introduce you to the assembly."

The Maia followed the Entwife, until they stopped at the centre of the free round area. The hum that surrounded them, similar to the rustling of leaves of an entire wood in a windy day, caused by the muttering among the Enyd, stopped instantly.

"My friends and sisters!" the First Keeper began, speaking in Common Speech, "For those who don't know her yet, this is Nerwen the Green, who came looking for us from the distant West on behalf of Kementári. You already know the reason of this Entmoot; now Lady Nerwen will produce her arguments. She knows perfectly our tongue, but it is hard for her voicing it, therefore she will speak in Westron," she turned to the Istar, "Now it is over to you."

Nerwen waited for Fimbrethil to retreat in the circle of her companions, then she cast a circular glance to the Entwives gathered all around. There were birches, beeches and ashes, elders, holms and strawberry trees, as well as some willows, alders and poplars. Their crowns were all bare because of the season; some had an elderly look, such as Fimbrethil or Calenfinn, other looked less old, and some seemed relatively young. Their eyes – large and round, their colour from brown to green – were all on the Aini.

Nerwen took a deep breath: she hadn't expected to speak in front of the entire community of the Entwives, but she knew very well what to say.

"Since the creation of Arda," she began aloud, so that all could hear her, "the perfection of Eru Ilúvatar's work has been marred by the Dissonance Melkor Morgoth produced during the Music of the Ainur. Nonetheless, it has been incorporated in Eä and therefore we must cope with it. Occasionally, it seems to stop, to vanish for some time, but then it comes always back, because it is part of the Created World. When Morgoth was defeated and banished from Arda, his servant Sauron replaced him. He, too, looked defeated, after Eléndil and Gil-galad beat him in duel and Isildur seized the One Ring; but he was not. Slowly, he has rebuilt his strength, for a long time secretly, but now he has finally revealed himself in his full terrible power and his menace to Middle-earth has become imminent."

Nerwen the Green and the Search for the Entwives #wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now