Chapter LXII: Annadiel

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Chapter LXII: Annadiel

Lindir was awaiting them, in the same place where he had met Nerwen the first time she had come to Rivendell, just beyond the bridge crossing the gorge on which bottom the Loudwater ran.

"Welcome back, Lady Nerwen," he told her, bowing respectfully after taking three steps toward her, then he bowed to Aryon, too.

"Thank you, Lindir," Nerwen said, "This is my husband Aryon Morvacor, prince of the Kindi Avari."

"Welcome, Lord Aryon," Lindir greeted him with another bow, "Please, leave here your horses," he added, pointing to the grooms that had come forward. Recognising one of them, Thilgiloth followed them docilely; Kerra and Allakos did equally, while Túdhin stayed next to Nerwen.

Lindir cast a glance at the wolf who, in any event, had wrapped himself in the canine looks and was sitting quietly beside the Istar.

"Your dog is very well-behaved," the Elf observed with a smile.

"Yes, he is," Nerwen confirmed, smiling in turn.

"Please, follow me: Lord Elrond is waiting for you," Lindir invited them, turning to lead the way; shortly after, he introduced them in the same parlour where Elrond had received Nerwen the first time.

The Lord of Rivendell was sitting on an armchair and, in another next to his, sat one more old acquaintance of the Maia: Glorfindel. They both stood up when she and Aryon entered in the room; the blond Vanya smiled broadly, while Elrond kept his usual stern expression, but his eyes shone in contentment.

"What a great pleasure to see you again, my friend!" Glorfindel cried, hugging Nerwen warmly, then he turned to Aryon, intrigued.

The Aini quickly introduced them.

"Glorfindel, Elrond: meet my husband, Aryon Morvacor, brother of Eliénna Dhillel, High Sovereign of the Six Tribes of the Avari. Aryon, these are Lord Elrond of Imladris, and Lord Glorfindel, an old friend from Valinor."

"It's an honour to meet you," Aryon said, addressing them with a bow, which the Vanya returned, while Elrond, by virtue of his rank as the local ruler, simply nodded.

"The honour is ours," Elrond said, "I never had the pleasure to meet someone of your kin, so far."

His courtesy favourably struck the Avar prince, who therefore replied with a second bow; Nerwen had told him long about both him and Glorfindel.

"So, you got married," the Vanya commented, looking at his old friend, "I'm truly happy for you. You must have – I mean, both of you – loads to tell us..."

"We'll talk later about this," Elrond intervened, "Has your journey from Lothlórien been good?" he enquired then, looking to his guests.

"Yes, thank you," Aryon answered, "We saw no sign of Orcs, Trolls or others of that sort, on the entire way."

"Very well," their host nodded, "There are still a number of lairs, here in the north, but it looks like they barricaded themselves in and have no intention to come out."

"They won't," Nerwen affirmed, "Their master is no more, as well as the very purpose of their existence, therefore they will extinguish like flames deprived of air."

"Did you see it?" Glorfindel enquired. She shook her head:

"No, it's just the conclusion Celeborn has come to, and I agree."

Elrond nodded:

"I see, and I, too, agree", then he changed subject, "I learnt that your search for the Ents was successful."

Nerwen the Green and the Search for the Entwives #wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now