There are far to many rape poems
I find myself listening to them at night
Far to many women have felt the pain of a man thinking he owns our porcline doll bodies
To many have been easily shattered under the hand of a man who thinks he is intitled to it
To many have loved the man who made these poems happen
Wanted to give him everything but Not the one thing he wanted to take
To many are afraid to talk to a stranger or walk alone at night
For the fear that this could happen again
And just the same this has happened to too many men
Feeling as if their emotions are not as valid as us girls
Like pain cannot be felt by a man in the same situation as a women because men are supposed to be made of steal rods
There are far to many rape poems
Far to many know what it's like for your voice to be like a wind in the dessert
Quiet and dry with nobody who can hear it
To have your ribs become a prison cell that your heart is trying to escape from by pounding as hard and fast as it can
And to not feel the bruises being formed cause the numbness is spread further than your hands
And you no longer feel like you even exist anymore
There are far to many rape poems
And I guess heres one more