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I sat as far away as possible from Jungkook but that only made him mad. He took out his phone and texted me.


 Come sit closer or else.

I  do as he said.

10 minutes later we arrived at our apartment building. Once we were out of site he grabs my wrist and roughly drags me to the apartment. 

You: Let go it hurts!

He unlocks the door and throws me into the apartment and locks the door.

You: What are you doing?

Jungkook: You're being punished.

You: What did  I do! You're the one cheating on me!

Jungkook: Don't raise your voice at me!

I jump once again at his words. He grabs my hair to pick me up from the floor and I scream.

Jungkook: Quiet baby it will be over soon.

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes (Literally me)

He walked into the bedroom and threw me on the bed and hovered above me.

Jungkook: Now it's time to be punished baby. *He smirked evilly*

You: W-wait! Please no! It's rape! *He caresses my cheek*

Jungkook: Aww baby your punishment is way worse than that I need to teach you a lesson and make sure you never disobey me again.

Still hovering over me he gets off the bed and walks out of the room I too get of the bed wiping my tears and peep out the door.

Shit! Shit! What do I do! I quickly run to the bathroom and lock the door. I back up far away and hide in the shower behind the curtain. He's crazy! He has a knife! I cover my mouth to silence the sound of my sobs.

Why is this happening to me! What did I do why did I do to deserve thi-

Jungkook: Y/N~ Where'd you go~

FUCK! I start having an anxiety attack as I hear him getting closer to the bathroom.

Jungkook: FOUND YOU! *He turns the doorknob trying to open it*

Jungkook: Yah! I would open the door if I were you~ It will only make it worse for yourself.

You: No you crazy bastard!

Jungkook: Y/n! unless you want you friends to be hurt or even killed! I would do as I say!

You: You would never!

Jungkook: If you say so~

I hear him stepping away and opening a door and I quickly run out and I soon as I do I see a pissed off Jungkook in my face.

Jungkook: Good girl! Now! Let's teach you a lesson.

He grabbed my arm who put the knife to it.

Jungkook: Now! Every time you disobey me this will be your punishment.

Jungkook: And of course I will change it up a bit just so you don't get bored...

Jungkook: Ok~ How many times to miss Y/N disobey me tonight?

He digs the knife into my arm and I scream. Tear's run down my face as the blood runs down my arm. Then he repositions the knife onto the other arm.

You: AhHhhhH! Jungkook, please! STOOOPP!!

The knife cuts deeper into my arm.

Jungkook: *He bites his bottom lip* Hmmm I love it when you beg for mercy...

Jungkook: I think that's enough for today you've been a good girl.


Here's another chapter for you guys!

Hope you're having a great Day/Night Xxx


Yandere Jimin x Reader !Behind the smile!Where stories live. Discover now